Open Access

Table 1

Summary of the main developments regarding hydrophobically modified associative polymers.

Year Activity Authors
1967 Developed the first HMAP from the copolymerization of alkyl vinyl ether with maleic acid Dubin and Strauss
1985 Patented these systems, highlighting the study of modified hydroxyethylcellulose Landoll
2007 Tested HMAPs on a pilot-scale in the Bohai Bay field in China Zhou et al.
2009 Synthesized a hydrophobically modified acrylamide-based terpolymer with sodium 2-acrylamide-2-methyl propane sulfonate and 2-vinylnaphtalene Zhong et al.
2009 Performed a comparative study between polyacrylamide and acrylamide copolymer with N, N-dihexylacrylamide Maia et al.
2010 Compared HMAP and PHPA regarding resistance factor Leiting et al.
2011b Developed terpolymers formed by acrylamide, 2-trimethylammonium ethyl methacrylate chloride and 5,5,5-triphenyl-1-pentene Zhang et al.
2012 Conducted a comparative study between PHPA and a terpolymer of acrylamide, acrylic acid, and N, N-divinylnonadeca-1,10-dien-2-amine Lai et al.
2012 Performed a comparative study between PHPA and commercial hydrophobically modified polymers Leiting et al.; Wang et al.; Zhang et al.
2013 Developed hydrophobically modified polyacrylamides with cyclodextrin and evaluated their stability under extreme salinity and temperature conditions Zou et al.
2014 Verified the good salinity resistance of HMAPs and recommended their application in reservoirs with high salinity Deng et al.
2014 Studied the properties of commercial HMAP under reservoir conditions Wei and Romero-Zéron
2015 Considered the commercial HMAP with 25.4% hydrolysis degree a promising agent for polymer flooding Zhang et al.
2015 Used 3-(2-(2-heptadec-8-enyl-4,5-dihydroimidazol-1-yl) ethylcarbamoyl) acrylic acid, 3-(diallylamino)-2-hydroxypropyl sulfonate (NDS), acrylamide and acrylic acid to produce HMAP Gou et al.
2015 Developed a copolymer of AM, AA, AMPS and N-phenethyl-N-tetradecyl methacrylamide and evaluated the influence of temperature, salinity and aging on its performance Jiang et al.
2015 Evaluated the injection of HMAP in the Perm field in Russia Patokina et al.
2015 Developed comparative studies between PHPA and HAPAM, evaluating the possible limitations of the application of a hydrophobically associative polymer Zhang et al.
2017b Evaluated the influence of concentration, salinity tolerance, and temperature resistance of HAPAM and PHPA El-Hoshoudy et al.
2017a Studied the salinity tolerance and temperature resistance for a new HMAP Sarsenbekuly et al.
2017a Produced a hydrophobically modified hydroxyethylcellulose with bromodecane and evaluated the influence of several factors Liu et al.
2018a Conducted comparative studies between BD-HMHEC and HEC Wang et al.
2018 Studied the application of BD-HMHEC Bai et al.
2018 Compared the rheological properties of PHPA, HMAP, and cyclodextrin-modified HMAP solutions Li et al.
2018 Performed comparative studies of commercial HMAP and PHPA Azad et al.; Han et al.; Zhong et al.
2019 Observed that the injection of HMAP in porous media increased the oil recovery factor by 18.7% compared to PHPA injection Zhang et al.
2019 Conducted studies of modified polyacrylamide with cyclodextrin Xie et al.
2019 Performed porous media testing with commercial PHPA and HMAP, simulating conditions of the Turgay Southern Basin reservoir in Kazakhstan Abirov et al.
2019 Developed a hydrophobically modified xanthan gum and compared its properties with unmodified xanthan gum Quan et al.
2019 Studied the effect of adding silica nanoparticles in hydrophobically modified polyacrylamide with N, N-dimethyl octadecyl ammonium groups Peng et al.

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