Dossier: New Trends on Engine Control, Simulation and Modelling
Open Access
Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP
Volume 62, Number 4, July-August 2007
Dossier: New Trends on Engine Control, Simulation and Modelling
Page(s) 427 - 435
Published online 06 December 2007
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  • Bengtsson, J.,Strandh, P.,Johansson, R.,Tunestal, P. and Johansson, B. (2006) Hybrid control of homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine dynamics. Int. J. Control, 79, 5, 422-448. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  • Cipollone, R. and Sughayyer, M. (2003) Transient air/fuel ratio control in si engines, The Institute of measurement and control. [Google Scholar]
  • Hafner, M. and Isermann, R. (2003) Multiobjective optimiza-tion of feedforward control maps in engine management systems towards low consumption and low emissions. ICEF. Trans. Inst. Meas. Control, 25, 57-74. [CrossRef] [MathSciNet] [Google Scholar]
  • Jeutter, R. and Heppner, B. (2004) Model-based system Development – Is it the solution to control the expanding sys-tem complexity in the vehicle. SAE World Congress. [Google Scholar]
  • Johnsson, R. (2005) Cylinder pressure reconstruction based on complex radial basis function networks from vibration and speed signals. Mech. Syst. Signal Process, 20, 8, 1923-1940. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  • Kech, J.M. and Klotz, H. (2002) Model-based sequential tur-bocharging optimization for series 8000 M70/M90 engines, SAE World Congress. [Google Scholar]
  • Kimmich, F.,Schwarte, A. and Isermann, R. (2005) Fault detection for modern diesel engines using signal-and process model-based methods. Control Eng. Pract., 13, 2, 189-203. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  • Jong, Min Choi, Il Sang, Yoo, Young, Won Park and Joong, Yong Park (2002) Model-based architecting of reliability, availability and maintainability applications. SAE World Congress. [Google Scholar]
  • Mutz, M., Huhn, M., Goltz, U. and Krömke, C. (2003) Model based system development in automotive. SAE World Congress. [Google Scholar]
  • Park, S., Yoo, H., Park, Y., Lee, S., Park, S., Kim, S. and Lee, K. (2006) Model-based development of engine control system from concept to vehicle. SAE World Congress. [Google Scholar]
  • Ranville, S. (2002) Practical application of model-based soft-ware design for automotive. SAE World Congress. [Google Scholar]
  • Rappl, M., Braun, P., Von Der Beeck, M. and Schröder, C. (2002) Automotive software development: A model based approach. SAE World Congress. [Google Scholar]
  • Schwarzmann, D., Nitsche, R. and Lunze, J. (2006) Diesel boost pressure control using Flatnes-based internal model control. SAE World Congress. [Google Scholar]
  • Shaver, G.M.,Roelle, M.J. and Gerdes, J.C. (2006) Modeling cycle-to-cycle dynamics and mode transition in HCCI engines with variable valve actuation. Control Eng. Pract., 14, 3, 213-222. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  • Turin, R., Mills, J., Fowlern, S. and Myers, C. (2005) Enabling virtual development for practical engine control. SAE World Congress. [Google Scholar]
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  • Abida, J. (2000) Brevet FR2789731 : Procédé de détermina-tion du débit d'air entrant dans un moteur à combustion interne équipé d'un circuit de recirculation des gaz d'échappement. [Google Scholar]
  • Aimard, F. (1995) Modélisation de pots catalytiques trifonc-tionnels. Utilisation en contrôle moteur et diagnostic. PhD thesis, Université Paris IX Dauphine. [Google Scholar]
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  • Boutin, S. (2005) A modular architecture for embedded applicative software. VDI Congress, Baden. [Google Scholar]
  • Buzy, A., Cotte, P. and Visconti, J. (2005) Online Adaptive DOEs and global modelling for Diesel engines and DPF cali-bration. IAV Berlin Conference: Design of Experiments in Engine Development. [Google Scholar]
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  • Ketfi-Cherif, A., von Wissel, D., Beurthey, S., and Sorine, M. (2000) Modeling and control of a NOx trap catalyst. SAE World Congress. [Google Scholar]
  • Martinez, A., Rieuneau, F., Cochepin, D. and Vallée, F. (2006) Construction des méthodes et outils pour la SdF des systèmes de contrôle embarqués. Lambda-Mu 15 to be pre-sented in Poster session. [Google Scholar]
  • Matlab/Simulink: [Google Scholar]
  • Millet, J.-B., Maroteaux, F., Emery, P. and Sorine, M. (2006) A reduced model of HCCI combustion in view of application to model based engine control systems. to be presented in SAE Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference, Toronto. [Google Scholar]
  • Royer, L. and Le Vaillant, C. (2006) Pilot software Integration plateform for transmission. Conference: `Virtual Product Development (VPD) in Automotive Engineering'. [Google Scholar]
  • Sadai, S. (2006) Improved diesel particle filter thermal man-agement using simulation tools. to be presented in IFP Conference: New Trends on Engine Control, Simulation and Modelling. [Google Scholar]
  • Talon, V., Tabet, T., Castric, S. and Emery, P. (2006) Engine control model based design with achille Library. to be pre-sented in IFP Conference: New Trends on Engine Control, Simulation and Modelling. [Google Scholar]
  • Villeneuve, A. (2004) Dual mode electric infinitely variable transmission. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug und Motorentechnik. [Google Scholar]

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