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Very low soot formation with modulated liquid length and lift-off length of diesel spray flame
Hongliang Luo, Yu Jin, Chang Zhai, Feixiang Chang, Wenjing Xing, Keiya Nishida and Yoichi Ogata Journal of the Energy Institute 111 101383 (2023)
Primary atomization of liquid jets: Identification and investigation of droplets at the instant of their formation using direct numerical simulation
Investigations on energy efficiency enhancement under knock threshold limit conditions for a turbocharged direct-injection spark-ignition engine fueled with wet ethanol
Experimental study of combustion process of NH3 stratified spray using imaging methods for NH3 fueled large two-stroke marine engine
Yasuhisa Ichikawa, Yoichi Niki, Koji Takasaki, Hideaki Kobayashi and Akihiro Miyanagi Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 13 100119 (2023)
Experimental study on the spray characteristics of octanol diesel and prediction of spray tip penetration by ANN model
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Influence of the Rate of Injection (Roi) on Engine Performance for B100 Fuel Control Strategy in Diesel Engines
Moïse Ligan Noukpo, Claude Valery Ngayihi Abbe, Joseph Nkongho Anyi, et al. Journal of Engineering 2020 1 (2020)
Comprehensive Spray Characteristics of Water in Port Fuel Injection Injector
Numerical simulation of primary atomization in diesel spray at low injection pressure
F.J. Salvador, J.-V. Romero, M.-D. Roselló and D. Jaramillo Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 291 94 (2016)
Spray Characterization and Ignition Delay Measurements of JP-8 and IPK in a Constant-Pressure Flow Chamber