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Multiscale numerical modeling of a complete spray evolution including breakup of liquid jet injection in gaseous cross flow

Yaquan Sun, Yongxiang Li, Louis Dreßler, Kaushal Nishad and Amsini Sadiki
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Numerical simulation and spray model development of liquid ammonia injection under diesel-engine conditions

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Very low soot formation with modulated liquid length and lift-off length of diesel spray flame

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Primary atomization of liquid jets: Identification and investigation of droplets at the instant of their formation using direct numerical simulation

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Investigations on energy efficiency enhancement under knock threshold limit conditions for a turbocharged direct-injection spark-ignition engine fueled with wet ethanol

Alessandro J.T.B. de Lima and Waldyr L.R. Gallo
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Experimental study of combustion process of NH3 stratified spray using imaging methods for NH3 fueled large two-stroke marine engine

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Experimental study on the spray characteristics of octanol diesel and prediction of spray tip penetration by ANN model

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Interpretative Review of Diesel Spray Penetration Normalized by Length and Time of Breakup (Similarity Law of Diesel Spray and Its Application)

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Comparative Study on the Macroscopic Characteristics of Gasoline and Ethanol Spray from a GDI Injector under Injection Pressures of 10 and 60 MPa

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Experimental and numerical study of the impinging aerosols method for the micro-encapsulation of phosphate solubilising microorganisms (PSMs)

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Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Influence of the Rate of Injection (Roi) on Engine Performance for B100 Fuel Control Strategy in Diesel Engines

Moïse Ligan Noukpo, Claude Valery Ngayihi Abbe, Joseph Nkongho Anyi, et al.
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Comprehensive Spray Characteristics of Water in Port Fuel Injection Injector

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Effect of injection dynamic behavior on fuel spray penetration of common-rail injector

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n-Hexane injection into high-temperature and high-pressure environments

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Experimental study on spray and evaporation characteristics of diesel-fueled marine engine conditions based on optical diagnostic technology

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Physiochemical Property Characterization of Hydrous and Anhydrous Ethanol Blended Gasoline

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Numerical investigation of the breakup behavior of an oscillating two-phase jet

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Near-azeotropic volatility behavior of hydrous and anhydrous ethanol gasoline mixtures and impact on droplet evaporation dynamics

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Fuel Processing Technology 181 166 (2018)

Development of Tool to Design Piston Bowl Considering Spray Parameters to Reduce Emissions

Sajil N Sreedharan and Rajiv Krishnan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 396 012055 (2018)

Numerical simulation of primary atomization in diesel spray at low injection pressure

F.J. Salvador, J.-V. Romero, M.-D. Roselló and D. Jaramillo
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 291 94 (2016)

Spray Characterization and Ignition Delay Measurements of JP-8 and IPK in a Constant-Pressure Flow Chamber

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SAE International Journal of Engines 9 (2) 899 (2016)

Effects of ultra-high injection pressure on penetration characteristics of diesel spray and a two-mode leading edge shock wave

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Modelling of biodiesel fuel droplet heating and evaporation: Effects of fuel composition

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An Experimental Study on the Macroscopic Spray Characteristics of Biodiesel and Diesel in a Constant Volume Chamber

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Energies 8 (6) 5952 (2015)