Regular Article
LES study on mixing and combustion in a Direct Injection Spark Ignition engine
IFP Energies nouvelles, 1-4, avenue de Bois-Préau, 92852
Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France
CERFACS, 42 avenue Gaspard Coriolis, 31000
Toulouse, France
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Downsized spark ignition engines coupled with a direct injection strategy are more and more attractive for car manufacturers in order to reduce pollutant emissions and increase efficiency. However, the combustion process may be affected by local heterogeneities caused by the interaction between the spray and turbulence. The aim for car manufacturers of such engine strategy is to create, for mid-to-high speeds and mid-up-high loads, a mixture which is as homogeneous as possible. However, although injection occurs during the intake phase, which favors homogeneous mixing, local heterogeneities of the equivalence ratio are still observed at the ignition time. The analysis of the mixture preparation is difficult to perform experimentally because of limited optical accesses. In this context, numerical simulation, and in particular Large Eddy Simulation (LES) are complementary tools for the understanding and analysis of unsteady phenomena. The paper presents the LES study of the impact of direct injection on the mixture preparation and combustion in a spark ignition engine. Numerical simulations are validated by comparing LES results with experimental data previously obtained at IFPEN. Two main analyses are performed. The first one focuses on the fuel mixing and the second one concerns the effect of the liquid phase on the combustion process. To highlight these phenomena, simulations with and without liquid injection are performed and compared.
© N. Iafrate et al., published by IFP Energies nouvelles, 2018
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