Group Chemical Changes and Physical Property Correlations in Refining of Lube Base Stocks. Physico-Chemical and Adsorption Chromatography Parameters
Corrélations entre les propriétés physiques et les changements de composition chimique au cours du raffinage des huiles de base. Paramètres physico-chimiques et de chromatographie par adsorption
Indian Institute of Petroleum
Changes in twenty-two lubricating oil base stocks prepared from Darius and Assam Mix Crudes by different types of refining treatment and severity of refining have been investigated. Changes in the viscosity index with progressive refining in base stocks of different viscosity have been studied in relation to physico-chemical properties, structural analysis and saturate contents of the base oils. Correlations between the concentration of saturates, saturate-to-aromatic ratio and VI of the base stocks are reported.
© IFP, 1987