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Model-based control of gasoline-controlled auto-ignition

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Optimal heat release shaping in a reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engine

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Adaptive calibration for reduced fuel consumption and emissions

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Boost Pressure Control Strategy to Account for Transient Behavior and Pumping Losses in a Two-Stage Turbocharged Air Path Concept

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Cost of ownership-efficient hybrid electric vehicle powertrain sizing for multi-scenario driving cycles

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Advanced exergy analysis for a bottoming organic rankine cycle coupled to an internal combustion engine

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Análisis del funcionamiento del motor y de la eficiencia de conducción mediante el uso de sistemas GPS y OBD

Carlos Guardiola García, Vicente Dolz Ruiz, Benjamín Pla Moreno and Alberto Reig Bernad
Modelling in Science Education and Learning 9 (1) 139 (2016)

Multi-objective optimization of a bottoming Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) of gasoline engine using swash-plate expander

J. Galindo, H. Climent, V. Dolz and L. Royo-Pascual
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Dynamic tests and adaptive control of a bottoming organic Rankine cycle of IC engine using swash-plate expander

A. Torregrosa, J. Galindo, V. Dolz, et al.
Energy Conversion and Management 126 168 (2016)

Switching strategy between HP (high pressure)- and LPEGR (low pressure exhaust gas recirculation) systems for reduced fuel consumption and emissions

José Manuel Luján, Carlos Guardiola, Benjamín Pla and Alberto Reig
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Two-Stage Turbocharged Gasoline Engines: Experimental Validation of Model-based Control

Thivaharan Albin, Dennis Ritter, Norman Liberda, Stefan Pischinger and Dirk Abel
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (15) 124 (2015)