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Optimizing diesel engine performance and emissions with heated high-pressure fuel lines: an experimental study
Vijay Vailaya Shashidhara, Ravikantha Prabhu, Vignesh Nayak, Joseph Gonsalves and Varun Murugesh World Journal of Engineering (2025)
Analysing the thermal and electrical properties of Cocos nucifera shell-based nanofluids as coolant feasibility proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Abdul Raguman and Praveena Vedagiri Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (2024)
Heating and storage: A review on exhaust thermal management applications for a better trade-off between environment and economy in ICEs
Model predictive control of a dual fuel engine integrated with waste heat recovery used for electric power in buildings
Chethan R. Reddy, Vinicius Bonfochi Vinhaes, Jeffrey D. Naber, Rush D. Robinett and Mahdi Shahbakhti Optimal Control Applications and Methods 44(2) 699 (2023)
Hybrid SWOC-AHP Analysis of Two-Stroke Twin Spark Engine
Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Antonio García Martínez, Ankur Kalwar and Hardikk Valera Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, Advanced Combustion for Sustainable Transport 3 (2022)
Impacts of gasoline fuel components on GDI engine performances: Part 1, influence on gaseous toxic pollutants
Acoustic and vibration analysis of a turbocharger centrifugal compressor failure
Oscar R. Sandoval, Luiz Henrique Jorge Machado, Vítor Mourão Hanriot, Fernanda Troysi and Marco Tulio C. Faria Engineering Failure Analysis 139 106447 (2022)
Recent Advances in Materials and Modern Manufacturing
M. Jeyakumar, R. Hari Prasath, C. Prabhu, S. Giridharan and N. Rajiv Kumar Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Recent Advances in Materials and Modern Manufacturing 389 (2022)
Chethan R. Reddy, Vinicius Bonfochi Vinhaes, Rush D. Robinett, Jeffrey D. Naber and Mahdi Shahbakhti 1842 (2021)
Research on knock recognition of coal-based naphtha homogeneous charge compression ignition engine based on combined feature extraction and classification
Modelling and simulation of virtual NOx sensor for diesel engine using thermodynamic model
Shoaib Ahmed, M R Halesh, Narasimha kollaparti, P V Aman and V T Satish IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1189(1) 012038 (2021)
From OBD to connected diagnostics: a game changer at fleet, vehicle and component level
Artificial Intelligence, Computer and Software Engineering Advances
Jairo Castillo-Calderón, Diego Díaz Sinche, Rubén Carrión Jaura and Diego Rivera Campoverde Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Computer and Software Engineering Advances 1326 389 (2021)
Computational optimization of reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion to achieve high efficiency and clean combustion
Assessing the competency of a semi-parametric expert system in the realms of response characterization uncertainty in premixed methanol dual fuel diesel combustion strategies: In critique to RSM
On the potential of traffic light information availability for reducing fuel consumption and NOx emissions of a diesel light-duty vehicle
Carlos Guardiola, Benjamín Pla, Varun Pandey and Richard Burke Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 234(4) 981 (2020)
Effects of direct water injection and injector configurations on performance and emission characteristics of a gasoline direct injection engine: A computational fluid dynamics analysis
Optimization by response surface methodology of the reaction conditions in 1,3-selective transesterification of sunflower oil, by using CaO as heterogeneous catalyst
Why we should invest further in the development of internal combustion engines for road applications
Luka Lešnik, Breda Kegl, Eloísa Torres-Jiménez and Fernando Cruz-Peragón Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 75 56 (2020)
Empirical investigation and control-oriented modeling of n-butanol HCCI for improving combustion controllability
Optimal control of a turbocharged direct injection diesel engine by direct method optimization
Jose Manuel Luján, Carlos Guardiola, Benjamín Pla and Alberto Reig International Journal of Engine Research 20(6) 640 (2019)
The effects of variable geometry turbine opening on reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion
Yuanli Xu, Shanhong Zhang, Jian Gong and Xucong Li Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 38(3) (2019)
Improving diesel engine efficiency at high speeds and loads through improved breathing via delayed intake valve closure timing
Kalen R Vos, Gregory M Shaver, Xueting Lu, Cody M Allen, James McCarthy and Lisa Farrell International Journal of Engine Research 20(2) 194 (2019)
Thermodynamics of indirect water injection in internal combustion engines: Analysis of the fresh mixture cooling effect
Cylinder deactivation during dynamic diesel engine operation
Dheeraj B Gosala, Cody M Allen, Aswin K Ramesh, Gregory M Shaver, James McCarthy, Dale Stretch, Edward Koeberlein and Lisa Farrell International Journal of Engine Research 18(10) 991 (2017)
Fast and robust adaptation of lookup tables in internal combustion engines: feedback and feedforward controllers designed independently
Florian Zurbriggen, Tobias Ott and Christopher H Onder Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 230(6) 723 (2016)
Adaptive calibration for reduced fuel consumption and emissions
Carlos Guardiola, Benjamín Pla, Pau Bares and Harald Waschl Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 230(14) 2002 (2016)
Boost Pressure Control Strategy to Account for Transient Behavior and Pumping Losses in a Two-Stage Turbocharged Air Path Concept
Cost of ownership-efficient hybrid electric vehicle powertrain sizing for multi-scenario driving cycles
Jose Manuel Luján, Carlos Guardiola, Benjamín Pla and Alberto Reig Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 230(3) 382 (2016)
Advanced exergy analysis for a bottoming organic rankine cycle coupled to an internal combustion engine
Análisis del funcionamiento del motor y de la eficiencia de conducción mediante el uso de sistemas GPS y OBD
Carlos Guardiola García, Vicente Dolz Ruiz, Benjamín Pla Moreno and Alberto Reig Bernad Modelling in Science Education and Learning 9(1) 139 (2016)
Multi-objective optimization of a bottoming Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) of gasoline engine using swash-plate expander