Open Access

Table 1

Summary input data for the conceptual heat model (Green and Willhite 1998).

Reservoir properties Value
Reservoir porosity, φ 0.25
Thickness of reservoir, hR 6.096 m
Thickness of adjust formation, hF 50 m
Well radius, rw 0.1524 m
Thermal conductivity of adjust formation, kF 0.00242 kJ/m °Cs
Specific heat of adjust formation, cF 0.879 kJ/kg °C
Specific heat of oil, co 2.093 kJ/kg °C
Specific heat of water, cw 4.02 kJ/kg °C
Specific heat of steam, cg 1.2 kJ/kg °C
Density of rock, ρF 2675.08 kg/m3
Density of oil, ρo 800.92 kg/m3
Density of water, ρw 810.53 kg/m3
Density of steam, ρs 17.78 kg/m3
Oil saturation, So 0.2
Water saturation, Sw 0.4
Steam saturation, Sg 0.4
Temperature of injected water, Ti 243.83 °C
Initial reservoir temperature, TR0 26.66 °C
Steam flow rate, Q 0.001 m3/s
Steam injection time, t 90 days

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