Open Access

Table 4

Arrhenius parameters and Regression coefficients related to AV and PV of all drilling fluids.

Fluid type μ0 (mPa s) Ea (J/mol) R 2 μ0 (mPa s) Ea (J/mol) R 2
Base fluid 0.3799 10 038.320 0.9966 0.1662 11 403.482 0.9965
0.25% MNC-OBDF 1.0122 7742.579 0.9303 0.5088 8684.804 0.9509
0.5% MNC-OBDF 1.8543 6685.038 0.9234 0.4325 9657.542 0.9662
1% MNC-OBDF 3.4541 5406.012 0.9603 1.0423 7559.671 0.9398
1.5% MNC-OBDF 9.0676 3149.426 0.9901 3.0674 4886.138 0.9991
2% MNC-OBDF 12.5240 2665.552 0.9423 3.7028 4869.759 0.9787
0.25% NG-OBDF 0.5098 9415.605 0.9961 0.2585 10 445.710 0.9957
0.5% NG-OBDF 0.8261 8297.621 0.9897 0.2100 11 223.070 0.9617
1% NG-OBDF 0.7537 8722.217 0.9996 0.3090 10 380.030 0.9641
1.5% NG-OBDF 0.4135 10 601.180 1.0000 0.3088 10 628.620 0.9835
2% NG-OBDF 1.3949 7775.835 0.9607 1.0443 7812.915 0.9838

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