Open Access

Table 1

Physical properties and analysis of dead oil sample.

Specification Unit Quantity
Specific gravity @ 15.56/15.56 °C 0.9414
°API 18.81
Sulphur content wt% 3.75
H2S content ppm <1.0
Nitrogen total wt% 0.17
Water content vol% 2.0
Salt content vol% 320.0
Viscosity @ 20 °C c.p. 167.5
Viscosity @ 40 °C c.p. 49.96
Viscosity @ 96.1 °C c.p. 7.62
Pour point °C −18
Asphaltene content wt% 12.8
Wax content wt% 4.0
Carbon residue wt% 12.18
Acidity total mgKOH/g 0.95
Nickel ppm 31.0
Vanadium ppm 121.0
Iron ppm 32.0
Lead ppm <1.0
Sodium ppm 0.63

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