Marges et perspectives du raffinage
Refining Margins and Prospects
Institut Français du Pétrole
Depuis quelques années le secteur du raffinage est soumis à rude épreuve. La consommation de produits pétroliers augmente peu en Europe, leurs spécifications se durcissent. En raison notamment des progrès permanents dans l'utilisation des unités, les surcapacités de traitement demeurent. . . Tous ces facteurs réunis font que les marges du raffinage à travers le monde restent faibles et insuffisantes pour financer correctement les investissements nouveaux.
Refining margins throughout the world have remained low in 1996. In Europe, in spite of an improvement, particularly during the last few weeks, they are still not high enough to finance new investments. Although the demand for petroleum products is increasing, experts are still sceptical about any rapid recovery due to prevailing overcapacity and to continuing capacity growth. After a historical review of margins and an analysis of margins by regions, we analyse refining overcapacities in Europe and the unbalances between production and demand. Then we discuss the current situation concerning barriers to the rationalisation, agreements between oil companies, and the consequences on the future of refining capacities and margins.
© IFP, 1997