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Photothermal excitation of an initially stressed nonlocal semiconducting double porous thermoelastic material under fractional order triple-phase-lag theory
Shishir Gupta, Rachaita Dutta and Soumik Das International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 32(12) 3697 (2022)
3D hybrid coupled dual continuum and discrete fracture model for simulation of CO2 injection into stimulated coal reservoirs with parallel implementation
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Discrete element model for the analysis of fluid-saturated fractured poro-plastic medium based on sharp crack representation with embedded strong discontinuities
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A three-dimensional mesh-free model for analyzing multi-phase flow in deforming porous media
Study on constitutive model of coupled damage-permeability of porous media
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Observation of Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Migration in Aggregated Soil Using Image Analysis