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Application of the Advanced Distillation Curve Method to the Comparison of Diesel Fuel Oxygenates: 2,5,7,10-Tetraoxaundecane, 2,4,7,9-Tetraoxadecane, and Ethanol/Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Mixtures
Measurements and Modeling Study on a High-Aromatic Diesel Fuel
B. C. Windom, M. L. Huber, T. J. Bruno, A. L. Lown and C. T. Lira Energy & Fuels 26(3) 1787 (2012)
Comparison of Diesel Fuel Oxygenate Additives to the Composition-Explicit Distillation Curve Method. Part 1: Linear Compounds with One to Three Oxygens
Thomas J. Bruno, Tara M. Lovestead, Jennifer R. Riggs, Erica L. Jorgenson and Marcia L. Huber Energy & Fuels 25(6) 2493 (2011)
Composition-Explicit Distillation Curves of Diesel Fuel with Glycol Ether and Glycol Ester Oxygenates: Fuel Analysis Metrology to Enable Decreased Particulate Emissions
Beverly L. Smith, Lisa S. Ott and Thomas J. Bruno Environmental Science & Technology 42(20) 7682 (2008)
The Role of Zeolite Acidity in Coupled Toluene Hydrogenation and Ring Opening in One and Two Steps
Pedro Castaño, Barbara Pawelec, Andrés T. Aguayo, Ana G. Gayubo and Jose M. Arandes Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 47(3) 665 (2008)
Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils and Residua
Mohan Rana, Jorge Ancheyta and Jorge Ramírez Chemical Industries, Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils and Residua 20070815 121 (2007)
A review of recent advances on process technologies for upgrading of heavy oils and residua