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Evolution of a Miocene canyon and its carbonate fill in the pre-evaporitic eastern Mediterranean

J. Reolid, O. M. Bialik, Á. Puga-Bernabéu, et al.
Facies 68 (2) (2022)

Sedimentary response to current and nutrient regime rearrangement in the Eastern Mediterranean during the early to middle Miocene (Southwestern Cyprus)

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Lenticular-bedding-like bioturbation and the onshore recognition of carbonate drifts (Oligocene, Cyprus)

Jesús Reolid, Christian Betzler, Or M. Bialik and Nicolas Waldman
Journal of Sedimentary Research 90 (12) 1667 (2020)

Dynamics of sedimentary basins and underlying lithosphere at plate boundaries: the Eastern Mediterranean

F. H. Nader, R. Littke, L. Matenco and P. Papanastasiou
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Key geological characteristics of the Saida-Tyr Platform along the eastern margin of the Levant Basin, offshore Lebanon: implications for hydrocarbon exploration

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