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Aplicación de filtros Savitzky-Golay y transformada rápida de Fourier en el procesamiento de espectros derivados obtenidos a partir de soluciones de asfaltenos
Solubility of Asphaltenes in Maltenes under Different Conditions
Giovanna F. Santos, Daniela Hartmann, Luciana S. Spinelli, Marcia C. K. Oliveira and Elizabete F. Lucas Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 61(30) 10631 (2022)
Asphaltene Precipitation Prediction during Bitumen Recovery: Experimental Approach versus Population Balance and Connectionist Models
Asphaltene precipitation and deposition: A critical review
Isah Mohammed, Mohamed Mahmoud, Dhafer Al Shehri, Ammar El-Husseiny and Olalekan Alade Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 197 107956 (2021)
Systematic investigation of Iranian Vacuum Bottom hydrodenitrogenation to produce clean fuel oil for marine transportation
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Nano- and Microencapsulation - Techniques and Applications
Gudret Isfandiyar Kelbaliyev, Dilgam Babir Tagiyev and Manaf Rizvan Manafov Nano- and Microencapsulation - Techniques and Applications (2021)
Study of the Influence of Resins on the Asphaltene Aggregates by 1H DOSY NMR
Changes in asphaltene surface topography with thermal treatment
Faisal S. AlHumaidan, Mohan S. Rana, Nusrat J. Tanoli, Haitham M.S. Lababidi and Noura A. Al-Najdi Arabian Journal of Chemistry 13(5) 5377 (2020)
Multiphase flow modeling of asphaltene precipitation and deposition
Amir Tabzar, Mohammad Fathinasab, Afshin Salehi, Babak Bahrami and Amir H. Mohammadi Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 73 51 (2018)
Comparison of asphaltene structure and morphology under different deasphaltene methods