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Tailoring NiMo-Based Catalysts for Production of Low-Viscosity Sustainable Hydrocarbon Bases for Drilling Muds from Secondary Gas Oils

Aleksei Iusovskii, Roman Boldushevskii, Aleksandr Mozhaev, Olga Shmelkova, Elizaveta Pavlycheva, Aleksandr Koklyukhin and Pavel Nikulshin
Energies 16 (16) 5859 (2023)

Dispersed Ni-Mo sulfide catalysts from water-soluble precursors for HDS of BT and DBT via in situ produced H2 under Water Gas Shift conditions

A.V. Vutolkina, I.G. Baygildin, A.P. Glotov, et al.
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Enhancing hydrogenation activity of Ni-Mo sulfide hydrodesulfurization catalysts

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Science Advances 6 (19) (2020)

CoNiMo/Al2O3 sulfide catalysts for dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization: Effect of the addition of small amounts of nickel

J.A. Medina Cervantes, R. Huirache-Acuña, J.N. Díaz de León, et al.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 309 110574 (2020)

Study of the Promotion Effect of Citric Acid on the Active NiMoS Phase in NiMo/Al2O3 Catalysts

Yanpeng Li, Tingting Zhang, Dapeng Liu, et al.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (37) 17195 (2019)

Quantification of the available acid sites in the hydrocracking of nitrogen-containing feedstocks over USY shaped NiMo-catalysts

Pedro S.F. Mendes, João M. Silva, M. Filipa Ribeiro, Christophe Bouchy and Antoine Daudin
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 71 167 (2019)

Mesoporous Al-HMS and Al-MCM-41 supported Ni-Mo sulfide catalysts for HYD and HDS via in situ hydrogen generation through a WGSR

A.V. Vutolkina, A.P. Glotov, A.V. Zanina, et al.
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CoMo/Al2O3 hydrotreating catalysts prepared from single Co2Mo10-heteropolyacid at extremely high metal loading

M. Nikulshina, A. Kokliukhin, A. Mozhaev and P. Nikulshin
Catalysis Communications 127 51 (2019)

Learning from the past: Are catalyst design principles transferrable between hydrodesulfurization and deoxygenation?

Sashank Kasiraju and Lars C. Grabow
AIChE Journal 64 (8) 3121 (2018)

Hydrogenation of Aromatic Substrates over Dispersed Ni–Mo Sulfide Catalysts in System H2O/CO

A. V. Vutolkina, D. F. Makhmutov, A. V. Zanina, et al.
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Ni-Doped MoS2 Nanoparticles Prepared via Core–Shell Nanoclusters and Catalytic Activity for Upgrading Heavy Oil

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Nickel–molybdenum sulfide naphthalene hydrogenation catalysts synthesized by the in situ decomposition of oil-soluble precursors

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Efficient CoMoS Catalysts Supported on Bio‐Inspired Polymer Coated Alumina for Hydrotreating Reactions

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Use of kinetic modeling for investigating support acidity effects of NiMo sulfide catalysts on quinoline hydrodenitrogenation

Minh-Tuan Nguyen, Melaz Tayakout-Fayolle, Fabien Chainet, Gerhard D. Pirngruber and Christophe Geantet
Applied Catalysis A: General 530 132 (2017)

Sulphidation study of a dried Ni/Al2O3 catalyst by time-resolved XAS-MS combined with in situ Raman spectroscopy and multivariate Quick-XAS data analysis

Amélie Rochet, Aline Ribeiro Passos, Christèle Legens and Valérie Briois
Catalysis, Structure & Reactivity 3 (1-2) 33 (2017)

Sensitivity of supported MoS2-based catalysts to carbon monoxide for selective HDS of FCC gasoline: Effect of nickel or cobalt as promoter

Florian Pelardy, Alan Silva dos Santos, Antoine Daudin, et al.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 206 24 (2017)

Nickel–molybdenum sulfide catalysts supported on an ordered mesoporous polymer for hydrogenating–hydrocracking of model biaromatic petroleum compounds

E. A. Karakhanov, M. P. Boronoev, V. I. Ignat’eva, et al.
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Beneficial role of carbon in Co(Ni)MoS catalysts supported on carbon-coated alumina for co-hydrotreating of sunflower oil with straight-run gas oil

A.N. Varakin, V.A. Salnikov, M.S. Nikulshina, et al.
Catalysis Today 292 110 (2017)

Effect of Dimethyl Disulfide on Activity of NiMo Based Catalysts Used in Hydrodeoxygenation of Oleic Acid

Houman Ojagh, Derek Creaser, Stefanie Tamm, et al.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 56 (19) 5547 (2017)

Improved promoter effect in NiWS catalysts through a molecular approach and an optimized Ni edge decoration

Thibault Alphazan, Audrey Bonduelle-Skrzypczak, Christèle Legens, et al.
Journal of Catalysis 340 60 (2016)

Investigation of co-promotion effect in NiCoMoS/Al2O3 catalysts based on Co2Mo10-heteropolyacid and nickel citrate

A.V. Mozhaev, P.A. Nikulshin, Al.A. Pimerzin, K.I. Maslakov and A.A. Pimerzin
Catalysis Today 271 80 (2016)

The use of CoMoS catalysts supported on carbon-coated alumina for hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol and oleic acid

P.A. Nikulshin, V.A. Salnikov, A.N. Varakin and V.M. Kogan
Catalysis Today 271 45 (2016)

NiWS/Al2O3 hydrotreating catalysts prepared with 12-tungstophosphoric heteropolyacid and nickel citrate: Effect of Ni/W ratio

P.P. Minaev, P.A. Nikulshin, M.S. Kulikova, A.A. Pimerzin and V.M. Kogan
Applied Catalysis A: General 505 456 (2015)

Investigation of co-effect of 12-tungstophosphoric heteropolyacid, nickel citrate and carbon-coated alumina in preparation of NiW catalysts for HDS, HYD and HDN reactions

P.A. Nikulshin, P.P. Minaev, A.V. Mozhaev, et al.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 176-177 374 (2015)

Interaction effects of nickel polyoxotungstate with the Al2O3–MgO support for application in dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization

J.C. Mogica-Betancourt, A. López-Benítez, J.R. Montiel-López, et al.
Journal of Catalysis 313 9 (2014)

Catalytic hydroconversion of a wheat straw soda lignin: Characterization of the products and the lignin residue

B. Joffres, C. Lorentz, M. Vidalie, et al.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 145 167 (2014)

A rational interpretation of improved catalytic performances of additive-impregnated dried CoMo hydrotreating catalysts: a combined theoretical and experimental study

V. Costa, B. Guichard, M. Digne, C. Legens, P. Lecour, K. Marchand, P. Raybaud, E. Krebs and C. Geantet
Catal. Sci. Technol. 3 (1) 140 (2013)

A rational interpretation of improved catalytic performances of additive-impregnated dried CoMo hydrotreating catalysts: a combined theoretical and experimental study

V. Costa, B. Guichard, M. Digne, et al.
Catal. Sci. Technol. 3 (1) 140 (2013)

Toward a better understanding of residue hydroconversion catalysts using NiMo catalysts supported over silica grafted Al2O3

G. Magendie, B. Guichard, A. Chaumonnot, et al.
Applied Catalysis A: General 468 216 (2013)

HRTEM and molecular modeling of the MoS2–Co9S8interface: understanding the promotion effect in bulk HDS catalysts

Manuel Ramos, Gilles Berhault, Domingo A. Ferrer, Brenda Torres and Russell R. Chianelli
Catal. Sci. Technol. 2 (1) 164 (2012)

HRTEM and molecular modeling of the MoS2–Co9S8interface: understanding the promotion effect in bulk HDS catalysts

Manuel Ramos, Gilles Berhault, Domingo A. Ferrer, Brenda Torres and Russell R. Chianelli
Catal. Sci. Technol. 2 (1) 164 (2012)

A new approach in the evaluation of the support effect for NiMo hydrodesulfurization catalysts

T.K.T. Ninh, L. Massin, D. Laurenti and M. Vrinat
Applied Catalysis A: General 407 (1-2) 29 (2011)

Insight into sulphur compounds and promoter effects on Molybdenum-based catalysts for selective HDS of FCC gasoline

Celine Fontaine, Yilda Romero, Antoine Daudin, et al.
Applied Catalysis A: General 388 (1-2) 188 (2010)

A DFT Study of CoMoS and NiMoS Catalysts: from Nano-Crystallite Morphology to Selective Hydrodesulfurization

E. Krebs, A. Daudin and P. Raybaud
Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue de l'IFP 64 (6) 707 (2009)