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Acceleration of Modeling Capability for GDI Spray by Machine-Learning Algorithms

Yassine El Marnissi, Kyungwon Lee and Joonsik Hwang
Fluids 9 (11) 267 (2024)

Effect of the altitude on the combustion characteristics of a low-compression-ratio diesel engine during the start-up process

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Design and Evaluation for Target Indicated Torque Based Engine Starting Control Strategy in a High Pressure Common Rail Diesel Engine

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Small Injection Amount Fuel Spray Characteristics Injected by Hole-Type Nozzle for D.I. Diesel Engine

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Study on the twin-pilot-injection strategies for the reduction in the exhaust emissions in a low-compression-ratio engine

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Investigating the effect of crevice flow on internal combustion engines using a new simple crevice model implemented in a CFD code

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Influence of spray-glow plug configuration on cold start combustion for high-speed direct injection diesel engines

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Methodology to estimate the threshold in-cylinder temperature for self-ignition of fuel during cold start of Diesel engines

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Analysis of Combustion Process in Cold Operation with a Low Compression Ratio Diesel Engine

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