Regular Article
Coupled experimental/numerical workflow for assessing quantitative diagenesis and dynamic porosity/permeability evolution in calcite-cemented sandstone reservoir rocks
Department of Civil Engineering, Building Physics Section, KU Leuven University, Leuven, Belgium
Division of Geosciences, IFP Energies nouvelles, 1-4, avenue de Bois-Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France
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Some of the world best hydrocarbon reservoirs (carbonates and siliciclastics) are also believed to be valuable for subsurface storage of CO2 and other fluids. Yet, these reservoirs are heterogeneous in terms of their mineralogy and flow properties, at varying spatial-temporal scales. Therefore, predicting the porosity and permeability (flow properties) evolution of carbonates and sandstones remains a tedious task. Diagenesis refers to the alteration of sedimentary rocks through geologic time, mainly due to rock-fluid interactions. It affects primarily the flow properties (porosity and permeability) of already heterogeneous reservoir rocks. In this project a new approach is proposed to calculate/quantify the influence of diagenetic phases (e.g. dissolution, cement plugging) on flow properties of typical sandstone reservoir rocks (Early Jurassic Luxembourg Formation). A series of laboratory experiments are performed in which diagenetic phases (e.g. pore blocking calcite cement in sandstone) are selectively leached from pre-studied samples, with the quantification of the petrophysical characteristics with and without cement to especially infer permeability evolution. Poorly and heavily calcite-cemented sandstone samples, as well as some intermediate cemented samples were used. The results show a distinctive dissolution pattern for different cementation grades and varying Representative Elementary Volumes (REVs). These conclusions have important consequences for upscaling diagenesis effects on reservoirs, and the interpretation of geochemical modelling results of diagenetic processes. The same approach can be applied on other type of cements and host-rocks, and could be improved by integrating other petrophysical analyses (e.g. petroacoustic, NMR).
© S. Claes et al., published by IFP Energies nouvelles, 2018
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