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Molecular Dynamics Simulations Study on the Shear Viscosity, Density, and Equilibrium Interfacial Tensions of CO2 + Brines and Brines + CO2 + n-Decane Systems
Thermophysical Properties of Heavy Petroleum Fluids
Bernardo Carreón-Calderón, Verónica Uribe-Vargas and Juan Pablo Aguayo Petroleum Engineering, Thermophysical Properties of Heavy Petroleum Fluids 109 (2021)
Characterization of crude oils and asphaltenes using the PC-SAFT EoS: A systematic review
Predictive evaluation of phase equilibria in biofuel systems using molecular thermodynamic models
C.G. Pereira, N. Ferrando, R. Lugo, P. Mougin and J.C. de Hemptinne The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 118 64 (2016)
Fanny Oukhemanou, Tiphaine Courtaud, Mikel Morvan, Patrick Moreau, Pascal Mougin, Christophe Féjean, Nicolas Pedel, Brigitte Bazin and René Tabary (2014)
Calibration of forcefields for molecular simulation: Sequential design of computer experiments for building cost‐efficient kriging metamodels
Fabien Cailliez, Arnaud Bourasseau and Pascal Pernot Journal of Computational Chemistry 35(2) 130 (2014)
Electrolyte CPA equation of state for very high temperature and pressure reservoir and basin applications
Xavier Courtial, Nicolas Ferrando, Jean-Charles de Hemptinne and Pascal Mougin Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 142 1 (2014)
A modified MMM EOS for high-pressure PVT calculations of heavy hydrocarbons
Improved characterization of the plus fraction for wax precipitation from petroleum fluids
Wei Wang, Jimiao Duan, Huishu Liu, Siqi Zhang and Jing Gong Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 8(6) 819 (2013)
GC-PPC-SAFT Equation of State for VLE and LLE of Hydrocarbons and Oxygenated Compounds. Sensitivity Analysis
Thanh-Binh Nguyen, Jean-Charles de Hemptinne, Benoit Creton and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52(21) 7014 (2013)
An analytical delumping methodology for PC-SAFT with application to reservoir fluids
Vapor−Liquid Equilibrium Calculations of Aqueous and Nonaqueous Binary Systems Using the Mattedi−Tavares−Castier Equation of State
José P. L. Santos, Frederico W. Tavares and Marcelo Castier Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 50(1) 102 (2011)
Modeling Liquid–Liquid and Liquid–Vapor Equilibria of Binary Systems Containing Water with an Alkane, an Aromatic Hydrocarbon, an Alcohol or a Gas (Methane, Ethane, CO2 or H2S), Using Group Contribution Polar Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory
Dong Nguyen-Huynh, Jean-Charles de Hemptinne, Rafael Lugo, Jean-Philippe Passarello and Pascal Tobaly Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 50(12) 7467 (2011)
Application of GC-PPC-SAFT EoS to amine mixtures with a predictive approach
Phase equilibria modeling of methanol-containing systems with the CPA and sPC-SAFT equations of state
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Dynamic simulation of fluids in vessels via entropy maximization
Measurements of Liquid−Liquid Equilibria for a Methanol + Glycerol + Methyl Oleate System and Prediction Using Group Contribution Statistical Associating Fluid Theory
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Application of the CPA equation of state to reservoir fluids in presence of water and polar chemicals
Phase behaviour of heavy petroleum fractions in pure propane and n-butane and with methanol as co-solvent
D. Canziani, P.M. Ndiaye, Elton Franceschi, Marcos L. Corazza and J. Vladimir Oliveira The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 41(8) 966 (2009)
Modeling Phase Equilibria of Asymmetric Mixtures Using a Group-Contribution SAFT (GC-SAFT) with a kij Correlation Method Based on Londonʼs Theory. 2. Application to Binary Mixtures Containing Aromatic Hydrocarbons, n-Alkanes, CO2, N2, and H2S
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Mutual solubilities of hydrocarbons and water with the CPA EoS
An evaluation of the performance of the Cubic-Plus-Association equation of state in mixtures of non-polar, polar and associating compounds: Towards a single model for non-polymeric systems