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H. Palancher, S. Bos, J. F. Bérar, I. Margiolaki and J. L. Hodeau The European Physical Journal Special Topics 208(1) 275 (2012)
Unusual Hysteresis Loop in the Adsorption−Desorption of Water in NaY Zeolite at Very Low Pressure
Jean-Pierre Bellat, Christian Paulin, Marie Jeffroy, et al. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113(19) 8287 (2009)
Extraframework cation distributions in X and Y faujasite zeolites: A review
Zeolites and related materials: Trends, targets and challenges, Proceedings of the 4th International FEZA Conference
T. Frising, P. Leflaive, C. Pichon and A.A. Quoineaud Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Zeolites and related materials: Trends, targets and challenges, Proceedings of the 4th International FEZA Conference 174 833 (2008)