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Investigation of the Effect of Injected CO2 on the Morrow B Sandstone through Laboratory Batch Reaction Experiments: Implications for CO2 Sequestration in the Farnsworth Unit, Northern Texas, USA
Long‐Term Reaction Characteristics of CO2–Water–Rock Interaction: Insight into the Potential Groundwater Contamination Risk from Underground CO2 Storage
Hydrogeochemical numerical simulation of impacts of mineralogical compositions and convective fluid flow on trapping mechanisms and efficiency of carbon dioxide injected into deep saline sandstone aquifers
Jung‐Hwi Kihm, Jun‐Mo Kim, Sookyun Wang and Tianfu Xu Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117(B6) (2012)
Carbonate diagenesis and feldspar alteration in fracture-related bleaching zones (Buntsandstein, central Germany): possible link to CO2-influenced fluid–mineral reactions
Kinetics of anorthite dissolution process on CO2 geological sequestration
Masao SORAI, Munetake SASAKI and Yasuko OKUYAMA Japanese Magazine of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 38(4) 101 (2009)
Densities of the CO2–H2O and CO2–H2O–NaCl Systems Up to 647 K and 100 MPa