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Petrophysical log-driven kerogen typing: unveiling the potential of hybrid machine learning
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Joint geochemisty-rock physics modeling: Quantifying the effects of thermal maturity on the elastic and anisotropic properties of organic shale
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Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Organic Matter Evolution: From Lignin to Overmature Type III Kerogen
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Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2021
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Effect of Kerogen Maturity, Water Content for Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Their Mixture Adsorption and Diffusion in Kerogen: A Computational Investigation
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Molecular characterization of kerogen and its implications for determining hydrocarbon potential, organic matter sources and thermal maturity in Marcellus Shale
Transport Properties of Shale Gas in Relation to Kerogen Porosity
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Methane Adsorption and Self-Diffusion in Shale Kerogen and Slit Nanopores by Molecular Simulations
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Practices for modeling oil shale pyrolysis and kinetics
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Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology
Phase Behavior of Methane–Ethane Mixtures in Nanopores
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Jump in the structure of Type I kerogen revealed from pyrolysis and 13C DP MAS NMR