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Application of PCA and HCA in geochemical parameters to distinguish depositional paleoenvironments from source rocks
Rui Jesus Lorenzo Garcia, Jucelino Balbino da Silva Júnior, Ilene Matanó Abreu, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 103 102734 (2020)
Evaluation of Organic Matters, Hydrocarbon Potential and Thermal Maturity of Source Rocks Based on Geochemical and Statistical Methods: Case Study Miocene of the Seblat and Lemau Formation, Bengkulu Basin
Applying terahertz time-domain spectroscopy to probe the evolution of kerogen in close pyrolysis systems
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Biostimulation to identify microbial communities involved in methane generation in shallow, kerogen-rich shales
Oil from the Tropical Marine Benthic-Diatom Navicula sp.
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Selected pioneering works on humus in soils and sediments during the 20th century: A retrospective look from the International Humic Substances Society view
Christian Feller, Michel Brossard, Yona Chen, Edward R. Landa and Jean Trichet Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 35(15-18) 903 (2010)
The colloidal structure of bitumen: Consequences on the rheology and on the mechanisms of bitumen modification