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Experimental study and correlation development of droplet sizes created by nozzle injection of oil into a horizontal water flow
Mehdi Jannat Alipour, Younes Aryan, Morteza Taherkhani, Nowrouz Mohammad Nouri and Mohammad Akhlaghi Geoenergy Science and Engineering 230 212133 (2023)
Effect of homogenisation on fat droplets and viscosity of aged ice cream mixes
Calculation method for the amount of contaminant oil during sequential transportation through product oil pipelines
Enbin Liu, Wensheng Li, Hongjun Cai, Weibiao Qiao and Mohammadamin Azimi Energy Exploration & Exploitation 38(4) 1014 (2020)
Predicting Droplet Size Distributions of Emulsions Produced in a Sonolator
Thomas P. John, Sergio Carrillo De Hert, Zhen Ren, Adam Kowalski and Thomas L. Rodgers Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59(14) 6681 (2020)
Central tube erosion investigation of torque impactor in the deep shale gas formation