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Investigation of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture in a falling film contactor by computer simulation
Saba A. Gheni, Mohammed F. Abed, Essam K. Halabia and Saad R. Ahmed Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 73 43 (2018)
Kinetics study and simulation of CO2 absorption into mixed aqueous solutions of methyldiethanolamine and hexylamine
Ammar Mehassouel, Ratiba Derriche and Chakib Bouallou Oil & Gas Sciences and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 73 19 (2018)
Major Advances and Challenges in Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental Applications: A Review
Harvesting Renewable Energy for Carbon Dioxide Catalysis
Alexander Navarrete, Gabriele Centi, Annemie Bogaerts, Ángel Martín, Andrew York and Georgios D. Stefanidis Energy Technology 5(6) 796 (2017)
CO2 Photoreduction by Formate Dehydrogenase and a Ru-Complex in a Nanoporous Glass Reactor