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Goldeneye: Tomorrow Never Dies (or a field Only Lives Twice)
John D. Marshall, Owain D. Tucker, Cliff E. Lovelock, Sebastian J. Darker, Carlos E. Annia and Jon B. Hognestad Geological Society, London, Petroleum Geology Conference Series 8(1) 547 (2018)
Geological Model of a Storage Complex for a CO2 Storage Operation in a Naturally-Fractured Carbonate Formation
Geomechanical effects of CO 2 storage in depleted gas reservoirs in the Netherlands: Inferences from feasibility studies and comparison with aquifer storage
Risk Assessment-Led Characterisation of the SiteChar UK North Sea Site for the Geological Storage of CO2
Maxine Akhurst, Sarah D. Hannis, Martyn F. Quinn, et al. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 70(4) 567 (2015)