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Numerical investigations on the performance of sc-CO2 sequestration in heterogeneous deep saline aquifers under non-isothermal conditions
Tummuri Naga Venkata Pavan, Srinivasa Reddy Devarapu and Suresh Kumar Govindarajan Gas Science and Engineering 130 205437 (2024)
Simulation of Multiphase Flow and Poromechanical Effects Around Injection Wells in CO2 Storage Sites
Jian Huang, François Hamon, Matteo Cusini, Thomas Gazzola, Randolph R. Settgast, Joshua A. White and Herve Gross Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (2024)
Numerical investigations on sc-CO2 gas sequestration in layered heterogeneous deep saline aquifers
Tummuri Naga Venkata Pavan, Srinivasa Reddy Devarapu, Vamsi Krishna Kudapa and Suresh Kumar Govindarajan International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 21(12) 1477 (2023)
Numerical investigations on performance of sc-CO2 sequestration associated with the evolution of porosity and permeability in low permeable saline aquifers
CO2 flow in saline aquifer with salt precipitation
Jion Sean Pau, William Pao and Suet Peng Yong International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 26(1) 122 (2016)
Geomechanical modeling of CO 2 geological storage: A review
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking
Olaf Kolditz, Uwe-Jens Görke, Hua Shao, Wenqing Wang and Sebastian Bauer Terrestrial Environmental Sciences, Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking 1 (2015)
Impact of CO2 injection through horizontal and vertical wells on the caprock mechanical stability
Liquid CO2 injection for geological storage in deep saline aquifers
Víctor Vilarrasa, Orlando Silva, Jesús Carrera and Sebastià Olivella International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 14 84 (2013)
Modeling of caprock discontinuous fracturing during CO2 injection into a deep brine aquifer