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Impact of Cylinder Deactivation Strategies on Three-way Catalyst Performance in High Efficiency Low Emissions Engines
George Brinklow, Jose Martin Herreros, Soheil Zeraati Rezaei, Omid Doustdar, Athanasios Tsolakis, Paul Millington and Amy Kolpin Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 14 100481 (2023)
Heating and storage: A review on exhaust thermal management applications for a better trade-off between environment and economy in ICEs
Advanced approach for catalytic decomposition of tar: Electrically heated catalyst system
Il-Ho Choi, Myung Won Seo, Ho Won Ra, Kwan-Young Lee and Kyung-Ran Hwang Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 165 108407 (2021)
What fuel properties enable higher thermal efficiency in spark-ignited engines?