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Unravelling the influence of catalyst properties on light olefin production via Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: A descriptor space investigation using Single-Event MicroKinetics
Anoop Chakkingal, Laura Pirro, A.R. Costa da Cruz, Alan J. Barrios, Mirella Virginie, Andrei Y. Khodakov and Joris W. Thybaut Chemical Engineering Journal 419 129633 (2021)
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Building a Microkinetic Model from First Principles for Higher Amine Synthesis on Pd Catalyst
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Hydrocarbon selectivity models for iron-based Fischer–Tropsch catalyst
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Selectivity of the Fischer–Tropsch process: deviations from single alpha product distribution explained by gradients in process conditions
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Single-Event MicroKinetics: Catalyst design for complex reaction networks
Development of a General Modelling Methodology for Vacuum Residue Hydroconversion
L. Pereira de Oliveira, J. J. Verstraete and M. KoIb Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 68(6) 1027 (2013)