Open Access

Table 2

Comparison of quantitative evaluation results of different super-resolution methods for GR logging data.

2X MSE 1.1292 5.8591 5.4859 0.0354
PSNR 43.9911 36.8405 37.1264 68.0
Coeff 0.2640 0.4291 0.7924 0.9946
Indirect 4X MSE 0.4454 6.3781 2.6682 0.0787
PSNR 51.8654 32.5527 35.9087 64.5302
Coeff 0.7066 0.2590 0.6631 0.9005
Direct 4X MSE 0.4454 6.2887 2.5339 0.0699
PSNR 51.8654 33.3229 44.7912 65.0463
Coeff 0.7066 0.5471 0.6638 0.9138

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