Open Access

Table 1

Basic fuel properties of tested fuel blends and its components.

Fuel Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C (mm2 s−1) Density at 15 °C (kg m−3) Calorific value (MJ kg−1) Cetane number Latent heat of evaporation (kJ kg−1) Carbon content (%wt) Hydrogen content (%wt) Oxygen content (%wt)
D100 1.801 819.13 43.151 50a 250b 87 13 0
R20B10D70 2.878 836.73 40.743 82.91 12.82 4.27
R20B20D60 2.860 836.53 39.817 80.74 12.88 6.38
Rapeseed oil 35.697 905.33 37.102 41.6d 78.1e 11.9e 10e
n-butanol 2.266 815.27 33.101 17c–25b 585b 64.8 13.6 21.6

Data obtained from [54].


Data obtained from [1] and [23].


Data obtained from [22].


Data obtained from [11].


Data obtained from [55].

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