Open Access

Table 1

Saturation models for rock types.

Rocktype Lithofacies Saturation model
1 Globigerina wackestone S w = 10(−1.914×log10(H)+0.962)/Phi
2 Globigerina wackestone S w = 10(−0.835×log10(H)+0.651)/Phi
3 Algal wackestone S w = 10(−0.557×log10(H)+0.144)/Phi
4 Algal packstone S w = 10(−0.835×log10(H)+0.651)/Phi
5 Algal packstone S w = 10(−0.564×log10(H)+0.177)/Phi
6 Algal packstone S w = 10(−0.514×log10(H)+0.309)/Phi
7 Algal/intraclastic packstone S w = 10(−0.528×log10(H)+0.231)/Phi
8 Intraclastic packstone S w = 10(−0.749×log10(H)+0.051)/Phi
9 Intraclastic packstone S w = 10(−0.749×log10(H)+0.051)/Phi
10 Grainstone S w = 10(−0.482×log10(H)+0.409)/Phi
11 Grainstone S w = 10(−0.482×log10(H)+0.419)/Phi
12 Echinoderm wackestone S w = 10(−0.581×log10(H)+0.137)/Phi

Here, S w refers to water saturation, H refers to the height above FWL and Phi refers to porosity of the specific grid.

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