Open Access

Table 5

Critical property calculations – Comparison C.

Model Percentage error comparisons
Using simulators
Experimental data
T c (%) P c (%) T c (%) P c (%)
A 0.644 0.898 1.731 3.141 Justo-García et al. (2008)
B 0.237 0.532 1.289 2.639
This work 0.332 2.511 1.015 3.321
C 0.142 0.287 Nasrifar et al. (2005)
This work 0.438 2.542
D 2.160 1.305 0.900 8.076 Guerrero-Zárate et al. (2017)
This work 1.063 2.874 0.830 3.112
E 0.756 2.926 0.572 2.283 Jiang and Prausnitz (2000)
This work 0.441 1.560 0.982 1.663

Note: Letters A, B, C, D and E are used to identify the models shown in the referenced articles.

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