Open Access

Table 2.

Parameters of the proposed GEP model.

GEP algorithm parameters Value
Number of chromosomes 30
Head size 7
Number of genes 3
Linking function Addition
Generations without change 2000
Number of tries 3
Maximum complexity 3
Fitness function Mean square error
Mutation 0.00138
Permutation 0.00546
Fixed root mutation 0.00068
Biased mutation 0.00546
Best cloning 0.0026
Random chromosomes 0.0026
Random cloning 0.00102
Inversion 0.00546
Tail inversion and mutation 0.00546
IS and RIS transposition 0.00546
One- and two-point recombination 0.00277
Gene recombination and transposition 0.00277
Data type Floating-point
Constants per gene 10
Constant fine-tuning 0.00206
Dc mutation 0.00206
Dc IS transposition 0.00546
Constant insertion 0.00123
Constant range finding 0.000085
Stopping condition (maximum fitness) 1000
Best fitness 999.99033
Applied operators ±, ×, /, √, EXP, X2, POW, INV, LN

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