Dossier: LES4ICE'16: LES for Internal Combustion Engine Flows Conference
Open Access

Table 1

TCC-III engine geometry, valve timing and operating condition.

Bore (cm) 9.20 Exhaust-Valve Closing (EVC) (°aTDCe) 12.8
Stroke (cm) 8.60 Intake-Valve Closing (IVC) (°aTDCe) 240.8
Clearance @ TDC (cm) 0.95 Exhaust-Valve Opening (EVO) (°aTDCe) 484.8
Combustion chamber volume (cc) 63.15 Intake-Valve Opening (IVO) (°aTDCe) 712.8
Top-land crevice volume (cc) 0.37 Steady-flow swirl ratio 0.4
Spark-plug crevice volume (cc) 0.02 Engine speed (rpm) 1300
Swept volume (cc) 571.7 Intake MAP (kPa) 40
Geometric Compression Ratio (CR) 10.0 Exhaust MAP (kPa) 101.5
Effective (IVC) CR 8.0 Fuel Propane
Connect.-rod length (cm) 23.1 Equivalence ratio 1.0
Piston-pin offset (cm) 0.0 SOIgn (°aTDCe) 342

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