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Inverting the rock mass P-wave velocity field ahead of deep buried tunnel face while borehole drilling

Liu Liu, Shaojun Li, Minzong Zheng, Dong Wang, Minghao Chen, Junbo Zhou, Tingzhou Yan and Zhenming Shi
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 34 (5) 681 (2024)

Improving shallow and deep seismic-while-drilling with a downhole pilot in a desert environment

Ilya Silvestrov, Andrey Bakulin, Ali Aldawood, Emad Hemyari and Anton Egorov
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Simultaneous waveform inversion of seismic-while-drilling data for P-wave velocity, density, and source parameters

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Subsurface seismic imaging with a hammer drilling source at an exploration drilling test center in Örebro, Sweden

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Intelligent Classification of Surrounding Rock of Tunnel Based on 10 Machine Learning Algorithms

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Characterizing shallow subsurface using 3D seismic while drilling with a downhole pilot

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Intelligent classification model of surrounding rock of tunnel using drilling and blasting method

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Research Note: Automated data‐driven alignment of near‐bit and top‐drive vibration sensors for seismic while drilling and beyond

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Seismic-while-drilling applications from the first DrillCAM trial with wireless geophones and instrumented top drive

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Instruments, Measurement Principles and Communication Technologies for Downhole Drilling Environments

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Drill-rig noise suppression using the Karhunen-Loéve transform for seismic-while-drilling experiment at Brukunga, South Australia

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Identifying the geological interface of the stratum of tunnel granite and classifying rock mass according to drilling energy theory

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A comparison of coherency measurement using semblance and multiple signal classification, from a seismic-while-drilling perspective

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A comparison of radiated energy from diamond-impregnated coring and reverse-circulation percussion drilling methods in hard-rock environments

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Seismic While Drilling (SWD) with a Rotary Percussive Sounding System (RPSS)

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