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Volatility characteristics and hyperspectral-based detection models of diesel in soils

Jihye Shin, Jaehyung Yu, Jihee Seo, Lei Wang and Hyun-Cheol Kim
Science of Remote Sensing 11 100201 (2025)

Degradation of diesel fuel by Dietzia sp. Ndt10 in saline conditions

Alexey Nazarov, Anna Pyankova, Ekaterina Korsakova and Elena Plotnikova
Biological Communications 69 (2) (2024)

Pyrolysis of corn stalks: The potential of using bio-oil as a fuel

Jelena Isailovic, Еmilija Vukicevic, Malisa Antic, Jan Schwarzbauer, Ljubisa Ignjatovic, Gordana Gajica and Vesna Antic
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Thermophilic bacteria from Peruvian hot springs with high potential application in environmental biotechnology

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Biodegradation half-lives of biodiesel fuels in aquatic and terrestrial systems: A review

Wiktoria Wilms, Jan Homa, Marta Woźniak-Karczewska, Mikołaj Owsianiak and Łukasz Chrzanowski
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Removal of a complex VOC mixture by potted plants—effects on soil microorganisms

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A Comprehensive Review of Risk Assessments of Organic Effluents in Car Workshops

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Ozone β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex Characterization and Application in the Remediation of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

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Bioremediation potential of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria: isolation, characterization, and assessment

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Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) Quantification Techniques: Innovations and Future Directions

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What determines the efficacy of landfarming for petroleum-contaminated soils: Significance of contaminant characteristics

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Bearing capacity and geotechnical properties of sandy soil substrate contaminated with oil derivatives (diesel fuel and kerosene)

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Analysis of Chemical and Biochemical Parameters of Petrol-Contaminated Soil after Biostimulation with an Enzyme Reagent

Kornel Curyło, Arkadiusz Telesiński, Grzegorz Jarnuszewski, Teresa Krzyśko-Łupicka and Krystyna Cybulska
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Enrichment and key features of a robust and consistent indigenous marine-cognate microbial consortium growing on oily bilge wastewaters

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Biodegradation kinetics testing of two hydrophobic UVCBs – potential for substrate toxicity supports testing at low concentrations

Rikke Hammershøj, Karina K. Sjøholm, Heidi Birch, Kristian K. Brandt and Philipp Mayer
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Removal of unleaded gasoline from water by multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Daniele Lico, Danilo Vuono, Carlo Siciliano, Janos B.Nagy and Pierantonio De Luca
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Responses and roles of roots, microbes, and degrading genes in rhizosphere during phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated soil

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Microbial Communities Utilizing Hydrocarbons and Lipids: Members, Metagenomics and Ecophysiology

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Microbial Communities Utilizing Hydrocarbons and Lipids: Members, Metagenomics and Ecophysiology 1 (2019)

Emissions of fine particulate nitrated phenols from various on-road vehicles in China

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Hazard assessment of quinaldine-, alkylcarbazole-, benzene- and toluene-based liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHCs) systems

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Bioremediation of oil-based drill cuttings by a halophilic consortium isolated from oil-contaminated saline soil

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Análise do potencial microbiano de uma biopilha na biorremediação de solos contaminados por hidrocarbonetos de petróleo

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Bioremediation of Polluted Soil Sites with Crude Oil Hydrocarbons Using Carrot Peel Waste

Latifa Hamoudi-Belarbi, Safia Hamoudi, Khaled Belkacemi, L’Hadi Nouri, Leila Bendifallah and Mohamed Khodja
Environments 5 (11) 124 (2018)

Review of biodegradable synthetic-based drilling fluid: Progression, performance and future prospect

S.Z. Razali, R. Yunus, Suraya Abdul Rashid, H.N. Lim and B. Mohamed Jan
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Bioconversion of oily bilge waste to polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) by marine Ochrobactrum intermedium

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Biodegradation of hydrocarbon mixtures in surface waters at environmentally relevant levels – Effect of inoculum origin on kinetics and sequence of degradation

Heidi Birch, Rikke Hammershøj, Mike Comber and Philipp Mayer
Chemosphere 184 400 (2017)

Selection Criteria and Screening of Potential Biomass-Derived Streams as Fuel Blendstocks for Advanced Spark-Ignition Engines

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SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 10 (2) 442 (2017)

Isolation characterization and growth of locally isolated hydrocarbonoclastic marine bacteria (eastern Algerian coast)

N. Feknous, Z. Branes, K. Rouabhia, I. Batisson and C. Amblard
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189 (2) (2017)

Reclamation of Smaller Volumes of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil Using an Innovative Reactor System: A Case Study Evaluation of the Design

Mark E. Zappi, Rakesh Bajpai, Rafael Hernandez, Katherine Taconi and Daniel Gang
Agricultural Sciences 08 (07) 600 (2017)

Pyrolytic Treatment and Fertility Enhancement of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Hydrocarbons

Julia E. Vidonish, Kyriacos Zygourakis, Caroline A. Masiello, et al.
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (5) 2498 (2016)

Study on biological degradation and transform characteristics of different components in petroleum hydrocarbon used by bacterial consortium

Lihua Chen, Chaohu Xiao, Xiaofang Luo and Wanhong Sun
Environmental Earth Sciences 75 (9) (2016)

Limited recovery of soil microbial activity after transient exposure to gasoline vapors

Jakub J. Modrzyński, Jan H. Christensen, Philipp Mayer and Kristian K. Brandt
Environmental Pollution 216 826 (2016)

Degradation kinetics and metabolites in continuous biodegradation of isoprene

Navnita Srivastva, Ram S. Singh, Siddh N. Upadhyay and Suresh K. Dubey
Bioresource Technology 206 275 (2016)

Genomics and Proteomics

Jeyabalan Sangeetha, Devarajan Thangadurai, Muniswamy David and Jadhav Shrinivas
Genomics and Proteomics 367 (2015)

Input of organic matter enhances degradation of weathered diesel fuel in sub-tropical sediments

Agota Horel, Behzad Mortazavi and Patricia A. Sobecky
Science of The Total Environment 533 82 (2015)

Remediation of a Biodiesel Blend-Contaminated Soil with Activated Persulfate by Different Sources of Iron

Fernando Pardo, Juana M. Rosas, Aurora Santos and Arturo Romero
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 226 (2) (2015)

Theoretical and practical issues of hydrocarbon biological oxidation by microorganisms

A. V. Bryanskaya, Yu. E. Uvarova, N. M. Slynko, et al.
Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research 5 (4) 383 (2015)

Treatment of Diesel‐ and Kerosene‐Contaminated Water by B. subtilis SPB1 Biosurfactant‐Producing Strain

Ines Mnif, Semia Ellouze‐Chaabouni, Younes Ayedi and Dhouha Ghribi
Water Environment Research 86 (8) 707 (2014)

Impact of Long-Term Diesel Contamination on Soil Microbial Community Structure

Nora B. Sutton, Farai Maphosa, Jose A. Morillo, et al.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79 (2) 619 (2013)

Biodegradation of aged diesel in diverse soil matrixes: impact of environmental conditions and bioavailability on microbial remediation capacity

Nora B. Sutton, Pauline van Gaans, Alette A. M. Langenhoff, et al.
Biodegradation 24 (4) 487 (2013)

Modeling and qualitative study of diesel biodegradation using biopile process in sandy soil

R. Chemlal, N. Abdi, H. Lounici, et al.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 78 43 (2013)

Isolation and characterization of benzene, toluene and xylene degrading Pseudomonas sp. selected as candidates for bioremediation

Carla Di Martino, Nancy I. López and Laura J. Raiger Iustman
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 67 15 (2012)

Petroleum and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) degradation and naphthalene metabolism in Streptomyces sp. (ERI-CPDA-1) isolated from oil contaminated soil

C. Balachandran, V. Duraipandiyan, K. Balakrishna and S. Ignacimuthu
Bioresource Technology 112 83 (2012)

Distribution of alkane-degrading bacterial communities in soils from King George Island, Maritime Antarctic

Diogo Jurelevicius, Simone Raposo Cotta, Raquel Peixoto, Alexandre Soares Rosado and Lucy Seldin
European Journal of Soil Biology 51 37 (2012)

Microbiological aspects study of bioremediation of diesel-contaminated soils by biopile technique

R. Chemlal, A. Tassist, M. Drouiche, et al.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 75 201 (2012)

Responses of microbial community from northern Gulf of Mexico sandy sediments following exposure to deepwater horizon crude oil

Agota Horel, Behzad Mortazavi and Patricia A. Sobecky
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31 (5) 1004 (2012)

Laboratory and Field Verification of a Method to Estimate the Extent of Petroleum Biodegradation in Soil

Gregory S. Douglas, Jeffery H. Hardenstine, Bo Liu and Allen D. Uhler
Environmental Science & Technology 46 (15) 8279 (2012)

Naphthenic acids degradation and toxicity mitigation in tailings wastewater systems and aquatic environments: A review

Prakash R. Kannel and Thian Y. Gan
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 47 (1) 1 (2012)

The influence of cell immobilization by biofilm forming on the biodegradation capabilities of bacterial consortia

Łukasz Ławniczak, Ewa Kaczorek and Andrzej Olszanowski
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 27 (5) 1183 (2011)

Biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons byNeosartoryasp. BL4

Taewoo Yi, Eun-Hee Lee, Hyerim Park and Kyung-Suk Cho
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (14) 1763 (2011)

Geochemical features of fossil fuel contaminants found in urban wastes (Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland)

Anna Wojtoń and Monika Fabiańska
Mineralogia 42 (1) 19 (2011)

Loss of volatile hydrocarbons from an LNAPL oil source

Mary Jo Baedecker, Robert P. Eganhouse, Barbara A. Bekins and Geoffrey N. Delin
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 126 (3-4) 140 (2011)

Integral Approach for Improving the Degradation of Recalcitrant Petrohydrocarbons in a Fixed-Film Reactor

Verónica Jiménez, Violeta Bravo and Linda Gonzalez Gutierrez
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 220 (1-4) 301 (2011)

Impact of biodiesel on biodeterioration of stored Brazilian diesel oil

Francielle Bücker, Naiara Aguiar Santestevan, Luiz Fernando Roesch, et al.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 65 (1) 172 (2011)

Biodegradation of commercial gasoline (24% ethanol added) in liquid medium by microorganisms isolated from a landfarming site

Núbia M. Oliveira, Fátima M. Bento, Flávio A. O. Camargo, et al.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (1) 86 (2011)

Efficiency of refinery sludge biodegradation using municipal wastewater and activated sludge and effect of hydrocarbon concentration on culturable bacteria community

Saïd Ben Hamed, Raja Rezgui, Ayed Halleb, et al.
Annals of Microbiology 60 (4) 747 (2010)

Biotreatment of diesel waste by sequencing batch bioreactor operation mode (SBR)

Edelvio B. Gomes, Ricardo F. Silva, Alexandre S. Rosado and Nei Pereira
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 64 (5) 413 (2010)

Biodegradability of 2-ethylhexyl nitrate (2-EHN), a cetane improver of diesel oil

Floriane Solano-Serena, Elodie Nicolau, Grégory Favreau, Yves Jouanneau and Rémy Marchal
Biodegradation 20 (1) 85 (2009)

Investigation about the efficiency of the bioaugmentation technique when applied to diesel oil contaminated soils

Adriano Pinto Mariano, Dejanira de Franceschi de Angelis, Maria Paula Santos Pirôllo, Jonas Contiero and Daniel Marcos Bonotto
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 52 (5) 1297 (2009)

Biodegradation of High Concentrations of Benzene and Diesel in a Fixed-Film Reactor

Violeta Bravo, Wolfgang Spyra and René Antaño-López
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 204 (1-4) 351 (2009)

On the use, and reuse, of polymers for the treatment of hydrocarbon contaminated water via a solid–liquid partitioning bioreactor

George P. Prpich, Lars Rehmann and Andrew J. Daugulis
Biotechnology Progress 24 (4) 839 (2008)

Role of Enzyveba in the aerobic bioremediation and detoxification of a soil freshly contaminated by two different diesel fuels

Sara Di Toro, Giulio Zanaroli, Giovanna Cristina Varese, Valeria Filipello Marchisio and Fabio Fava
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 62 (2) 153 (2008)

Biodegradation pattern of hydrocarbons from a fuel oil-type complex residue by an emulsifier-producing microbial consortium

M.L. Nievas, M.G. Commendatore, J.L. Esteves and V. Bucalá
Journal of Hazardous Materials 154 (1-3) 96 (2008)

Bioremediation of contaminated mixtures of desert mining soil and sawdust with fuel oil by aerated in-vessel composting in the Atacama Region (Chile)

Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Blanca Antizar-Ladislao, Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Andrés Camaño and César Sáez-Navarrete
Journal of Hazardous Materials 151 (2-3) 649 (2008)

Anisotropic United Atom Model Including the Electrostatic Interactions of Methylbenzenes. I. Thermodynamic and Structural Properties

Carlos Nieto-Draghi, Patrick Bonnaud and Philippe Ungerer
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (43) 15686 (2007)

Treatment of diesel fuel contaminated soil in jet–fluidized bed

Jazia Arrar, Nadia Chekir and Fatiha Bentahar
Biochemical Engineering Journal 37 (2) 131 (2007)

The Primary Aerobic Biodegradation of Gasoline Hydrocarbons

Roger C. Prince, Thomas F. Parkerton and Carolyn Lee
Environmental Science & Technology 41 (9) 3316 (2007)

Enhanced biodegradation of diesel oil by a newly identified Rhodococcus baikonurensis EN3 in the presence of mycolic acid

M. Lee, M.K. Kim, I. Singleton, M. Goodfellow and S.-T. Lee
Journal of Applied Microbiology 100 (2) 325 (2006)

Biodegradation of bilge waste from Patagonia with an indigenous microbial community

M.L. Nievas, M.G. Commendatore, N.L. Olivera, J.L. Esteves and V. Bucalá
Bioresource Technology 97 (18) 2280 (2006)

Is Biodegradation of Bitumen a Source of Recalcitrant Naphthenic Acid Mixtures in Oil Sands Tailing Pond Waters?

E. K. Quagraine, J. V. Headley and H. G. Peterson
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 40 (3) 671 (2005)

Effect of the synthesized mycolic acid on the biodegradation of diesel oil by Gordonia nitida strain LE31

Myungjin Lee, Myung Kyum Kim, Mi-Jung Kwon, et al.
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 100 (4) 429 (2005)

In Situ Bioremediation of Naphthenic Acids Contaminated Tailing Pond Waters in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region—Demonstrated Field Studies and Plausible Options: A Review

E. K. Quagraine, H. G. Peterson and J. V. Headley
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 40 (3) 685 (2005)

Diesel oil and PCB-degrading psychrotrophic bacteria isolated from Antarctic seawaters (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea)

Maria De Domenico, Angelina Lo Giudice, Luigi Michaud, Marcello Saitta and Vivia Bruni
Polar Research 23 (2) 141 (2004)

Petroleum Biotechnology - Developments and Perspectives

S. Revah and R. Auria
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Petroleum Biotechnology - Developments and Perspectives 151 479 (2004)

Diesel oil and PCB-degrading psychrotrophic bacteria isolated from Antarctic seawaters (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea)

Maria Domenico, Angelina Lo Giudice, Luigi Michaud, Marcello Saitta and Vivia Bruni
Polar Research 23 (2) 141 (2004)