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A nonlocal kernel-based continuum damage model for compaction band formation in porous sedimentary rock

Enrique M. del Castillo, Jun Geng and Ronaldo I. Borja
Computational Mechanics (2024)

Changes in filtration and capacitance properties of highly porous reservoir in underground gas storage: CT-based and geomechanical modeling

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Simulation and interpretation of compaction patterns around boreholes excavated in high-porosity rocks

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Dynamic strain localization into a compaction band via a phase-field approach

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Data-driven breakage mechanics: Predicting the evolution of particle-size distribution in granular media

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Modeling heterogeneity and permeability evolution in a compaction band using a phase-field approach

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The Influence of Grain Size Distribution on Mechanical Compaction and Compaction Localization in Porous Rocks

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A phase‐field approach for compaction band formation due to grain crushing

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The effect of grain size and porosity on the nature of compaction localisation in high-porosity sandstone

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Strain localization bands in fine-grained aggregates of germanate olivine and pyroxene deformed by a Griggs type apparatus

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Compaction Banding in High‐Porosity Carbonate Rocks: 1. Experimental Observations

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Compaction bands in Tuffeau de Maastricht: insights from X-ray tomography and multiscale modeling

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Compaction Banding in High‐Porosity Carbonate Rocks: 2. A Gradient‐Dependent Plasticity Model

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Simulating spatial heterogeneity through a CT-FE mapping scheme discloses boundary effects on emerging compaction bands

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Viscoplastic Interpretation of Localized Compaction Creep in Porous Rock

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Micromechanics of High‐Pressure Compaction in Granular Quartz Aggregates

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Multiscale Insights Into Borehole Instabilities in High‐Porosity Sandstones

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Strain localization and elastic-plastic coupling during deformation of porous sandstone

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A Color Guide to the Petrography of Sandstones, Siltstones, Shales and Associated Rocks

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Laboratory Observation and Micromechanics-Based Modelling of Sandstone on Different Scales

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Chemically induced compaction bands: Triggering conditions and band thickness

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Simulation of localized compaction in high-porosity calcarenite subjected to boundary constraints

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International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 71 91 (2014)

Shear-enhanced compaction band identification at the laboratory scale using acoustic and full-field methods

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Permeability anisotropy and its relations with porous medium structure

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Compaction localization in the Earth and the laboratory: state of the research and research directions

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