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Thermo‐rheological snapshot of melter feed conversion to glass
Shyla Younk, Jaime L. George, Steven A. Luksic, Jose Marcial, Derek A. Cutforth, Pavel Hrma, Pavel Ferkl, Albert A. Kruger and Richard Pokorny Journal of the American Ceramic Society 108(3) (2025)
Pipe rheology of wet aqueous application foams
Antti I. Koponen, Janika Viitala, Atsushi Tanaka, Baranivignesh Prakash, Olli-Ville Laukkanen and Ari Jäsberg Chemical Engineering Science 283 119282 (2024)
Foaming and rheological properties of aqueous solutions: an interfacial study
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Foam Based Fracturing Fluid Characterization for an Optimized Application in HPHT Reservoir Conditions
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Foam‐in‐vein: A review of rheological properties and characterization methods for optimization of sclerosing foams
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Advances and challenges in the high-pressure rheology of complex fluids
Omotola Okesanjo, Michael Tennenbaum, Alberto Fernandez-Nieves, J. Carson Meredith and Sven H. Behrens Soft Matter 16(29) 6725 (2020)
Numerical modeling and simulation of drilling cutting transport in horizontal wells
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A New Empirical Model for Bulk Foam Rheology
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The rheological behavior of energized fluids and foams with application to hydraulic fracturing: Review
Salah Aldin Faroughi, Antoine Jean-Claude Jacques Pruvot and James McAndrew Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 163 243 (2018)
Laboratory study of the Non-Newtonian behavior of supercritical CO2 foam flow in a straight tube
Rheological behavior of aqueous foams at high pressure
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Maltodextrins produced from chemically modified starches as agents affecting stability and rheological properties of albumin foam
Bran‐induced effects on the evolution of bubbles and rheological properties in bread dough
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Experimental investigation of immiscible supercritical carbon dioxide foam rheology for improved oil recovery
CFD Simulation of Rheological Model Effect on Cuttings Transport
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Influence of the Addition of Ovalbumin and Emulsifier on the Physical Properties and Stability of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) Juice Foams Prepared for Foam Mat Drying Process
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Simulation of cuttings transport with foam in deviated wellbores using computational fluid dynamics
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Rheological Behaviour of Liquid ALUHAB Aluminium Foams
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The Rheology of Colloidal and Noncolloidal Food Dispersions