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Mechanism and control factors of hydrate plugging in multiphase liquid-rich pipeline flow systems: a review

Shuwei Zhang, Liyan Shang, Zhen Pan, Li Zhou and You Guo
Frontiers in Energy 16 (5) 747 (2022)

Hydrate-Induced Vibration in an Offshore Pipeline

M. M. Jujuly, Mohammad Azizur Rahman, Aaron Maynard and Matthew Adey
SPE Journal 25 (02) 732 (2020)

Cellulose-Based Superabsorbent Hydrogels

Muhammad Shahzad Kamal and Abdullah S. Sultan
Polymers and Polymeric Composites: A Reference Series, Cellulose-Based Superabsorbent Hydrogels 1 (2018)

PVTx measurements of mixed clathrate hydrates in batch conditions under different crystallization rates: Influence on equilibrium

S. Maghsoodloo Babakhani, B. Bouillot, J. Douzet, S. Ho-Van and J.M. Herri
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Study of hydrate formation in gas-emulsion multiphase flow systems

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New in Situ Measurements of the Viscosity of Gas Clathrate Hydrate Slurries Formed from Model Water-in-Oil Emulsions

Ahmad A. A. Majid, David T. Wu and Carolyn A. Koh
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Testing antifreeze protein from the longhorn beetle Rhagium mordax as a kinetic gas hydrate inhibitor using a high-pressure micro differential scanning calorimeter

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Canadian Journal of Chemistry 93 (9) 1025 (2015)

Experimental Study on Hydrate Induction Time of Gas-Saturated Water-in-Oil Emulsion using a High-Pressure Flow Loop

X.F. Lv, B.H. Shi, Y. Wang, et al.
Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 70 (6) 1111 (2015)

A study of hydrate plug formation in a subsea natural gas pipeline using a novel high-pressure flow loop

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Investigation of Kinetic Hydrate Inhibition Using a High Pressure Micro Differential Scanning Calorimeter

Nagu Daraboina, Christine Malmos and Nicolas von Solms
Energy & Fuels 27 (10) 5779 (2013)

Comparison of the gas hydrate plugging potentials of a set of crude oils from the Norwegian continental shelf using chemometric decomposition of GC–FID data

James R. Gasson, Tanja Barth and Georgi Genov
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 102 66 (2013)

Study on Gas Hydrate Formation and Hydrate Slurry Flow in a Multiphase Transportation System

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Experimental investigation of double gas hydrate formation in the presence of modified starch as a kinetic inhibitor in a flow mini‐loop apparatus

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Flow characteristics and morphology of hydrate slurry formed from (natural gas+diesel oil/condensate oil+water) system containing anti-agglomerant

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Chemical Engineering Science 84 333 (2012)

Characterization of CO2 hydrate formation and dissociation kinetics in a flow loop

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Experimental and theoretical study of gas hydrate formation in a high‐pressure flow loop

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Kinetic of hydrate formation of propane and its mixture with methane in a circulating flow reactor

M. Sarshar, J. Fathikalajahi and F. Esmaeilzadeh
Fluid Phase Equilibria 298 (1) 38 (2010)

Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Double Gas Hydrate Formation in the Presence or Absence of Kinetic Inhibitors in a Flow Mini‐Loop Apparatus

M. R. Talaghat, F. Esmaeilzadeh and J. Fathikaljahi
Chemical Engineering & Technology 32 (5) 805 (2009)

Molecular analysis of petroleum derived compounds that adsorb onto gas hydrate surfaces

Anna E. Borgund, Sylvi Høiland, Tanja Barth, Per Fotland and Kjell M. Askvik
Applied Geochemistry 24 (5) 777 (2009)

Experimental and theoretical investigation of simple gas hydrate formation with or without presence of kinetic inhibitors in a flow mini-loop apparatus

M.R. Talaghat, F. Esmaeilzadeh and J. Fathikaljahi
Fluid Phase Equilibria 279 (1) 28 (2009)

Influence of Petroleum Acids on Gas Hydrate Wettability

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Energy & Fuels 23 (4) 2213 (2009)

Modelling of hydrate formation kinetics: State-of-the-art and future directions

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Chemical Engineering Science 63 (8) 2007 (2008)

Electronic Structure, Molecular Interaction, and Stability of the CH4−nH2O Complex, for n = 1−21

Graciela Bravo-Pérez, Armando Cruz-Torres and Ascención Romero-Martínez
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (37) 8737 (2008)

Comparison of biodegradation level and gas hydrate plugging potential of crude oils using FT-IR spectroscopy and multi-component analysis

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Structural Characterization and Interfacial Behavior of Acidic Compounds Extracted from a North Sea Oil

Pål V. Hemmingsen, Sunghwan Kim, Hanne E. Pettersen, et al.
Energy & Fuels 20 (5) 1980 (2006)

Effects of kinetic inhibitors on the formation and growth of hydrate crystals at a liquid–liquid interface

Hiroyuki Sakaguchi, Ryo Ohmura and Yasuhiko H Mori
Journal of Crystal Growth 247 (3-4) 631 (2003)

Kinetics of Gas Hydrates Formation and Tests of Efficiency of Kinetic Inhibitors: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 912 (1) 753 (2000)