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Muhammad Shahzad Kamal and Abdullah S. Sultan Polymers and Polymeric Composites: A Reference Series, Functional Polymers 1045 (2019)
Cellulose-Based Superabsorbent Hydrogels
Muhammad Shahzad Kamal and Abdullah S. Sultan Polymers and Polymeric Composites: A Reference Series, Cellulose-Based Superabsorbent Hydrogels 1 (2018)
Elechi Virtue Urunwo, S. S. Ikiensikimama, J. A. Ajienka, O.. Akaranta, M. O. Onyekonwu, T. O. Odutola and E. O. Okon (2018)
A Perspective on Rheological Studies of Gas Hydrate Slurry Properties
PVTx measurements of mixed clathrate hydrates in batch conditions under different crystallization rates: Influence on equilibrium
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Study of hydrate formation in gas-emulsion multiphase flow systems
Testing antifreeze protein from the longhorn beetle Rhagium mordax as a kinetic gas hydrate inhibitor using a high-pressure micro differential scanning calorimeter
Nagu Daraboina, Christine Malmos Perfeldt and Nicolas von Solms Canadian Journal of Chemistry 93(9) 1025 (2015)
Experimental Study on Hydrate Induction Time of Gas-Saturated Water-in-Oil Emulsion using a High-Pressure Flow Loop
X.F. Lv, B.H. Shi, Y. Wang, et al. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 70(6) 1111 (2015)
Synergistic kinetic inhibition of natural gas hydrate formation
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Experimental and theoretical study of gas hydrate formation in a high‐pressure flow loop
Mohammad Sarshar, Jamshid Fathikalajahi and Ferreidun Esmaeilzadeh The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 88(5) 751 (2010)
Kinetic of hydrate formation of propane and its mixture with methane in a circulating flow reactor
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Double Gas Hydrate Formation in the Presence or Absence of Kinetic Inhibitors in a Flow Mini‐Loop Apparatus
Experimental and theoretical investigation of simple gas hydrate formation with or without presence of kinetic inhibitors in a flow mini-loop apparatus
Electronic Structure, Molecular Interaction, and Stability of the CH4−nH2O Complex, for n = 1−21
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Comparison of biodegradation level and gas hydrate plugging potential of crude oils using FT-IR spectroscopy and multi-component analysis