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Effects of fuel injection discharge curve and injection pressure on upgrading power and combustion parameters in heavy-duty (HD) diesel engine with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation
Influence of intake manifold design on in-cylinder flow and engine performances in a bus diesel engine converted to LPG gas fuelled, using CFD analyses and experimental investigations
In-cylinder flow control in a four-valve spark ignition engine: numerical and experimental steady rig tests
D Ramajo, A Zanotti and N Nigro Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 225(6) 813 (2011)
Effect of Fuel Spray Orientation in a DI Diesel Engine: Analysis through CFD Simulation
Prediction of the Spray Characteristics in a DI Diesel Engine with Different Combustion Chamber Geometries
M. Srinivasa Reddy, A. Sreekanth Gowd and K. Hemachandra Reddy i-manager's Journal on Future Engineering and Technology 3(2) 16 (2008)
Modelling of high-pressure dense diesel sprays with adaptive local grid refinement