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Visualization and analysis of viscous fingering in alcohol-assisted surfactant waterflooding of heavy oil in a two-dimensional sandstone micromodel

Benyamin Yadali Jamaloei, Rana Babolmorad and Riyaz Kharrat
Fuel 184 169 (2016)

Characterization of viscous fingering during displacements of low tension natural surfactant in fractured multi-layered heavy oil systems

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Chemical Engineering Research and Design 96 23 (2015)

Monitoring and Characterizing the Finger Patterns Developed by Miscible Displacement in Fractured Heavy Oil Systems

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The effect of pore throat size and injection flowrate on the determination and sensitivity of different capillary number values at high-capillary-number flow in porous media

Benyamin Yadali Jamaloei, Farid Ahmadloo and Riyaz Kharrat
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Effects of Flow Rate and Alkali-to-Acid Ratio on the Displacement of Acidic Oil by Alkaline Solutions in Radial Porous Media

Vladimir Hornof, Graham H. Neale and Masoud Gholam-Hosseini
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 231 (1) 196 (2000)

Use of acidobasic indicators to detect interfacial reactivity during alkaline flooding

Vladimir Hornof, Graham H. Neale and Masoud Gholam-Hosseini
Powder Technology 82 (2) 205 (1995)

Effect of fluid viscosities and interfacial tension on the development of unstable two-phase flow in porous media

V. V. Kadet, R. M. Musin and V. I. Selyakov
Fluid Dynamics 29 (1) 91 (1994)

Fast, immiscible fluid-fluid displacement in three-dimensional porous media at finite viscosity contrast

Vidar Frette, Jens Feder, Torstein Jøssang, Paul Meakin and Knut Jørgen Måløy
Physical Review E 50 (4) 2881 (1994)

Observations and Correlations for Immiscible Viscous-Fingering Experiments

Didier Pavone
SPE Reservoir Engineering 7 (02) 187 (1992)

Visualization of water and surfactant floods in oil-saturated porous media

P. Tayal and K. A. Narayan
Experiments in Fluids 9 (6) 337 (1990)

Numerical simulations of radial displacement of a wetting fluid by a non-wetting fluid in a porous medium

D G Kiriakidis, G H Neale and E Mitsoulis
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 23 (21) 5089 (1990)

Monte Carlo simulations of radial displacement of oil from a wetted porous medium: fractals, viscous fingering and invasion percolation

D F Leclerc and G H Neale
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 21 (13) 2979 (1988)

A theoretical analysis on stability of a moving interface in a porous medium for bingham displacing fluids and its application in oil displacement mechanism

H. Pascal
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 64 (3) 375 (1986)