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Displacement and sweep efficiencies in a DNAPL recovery test using micellar and polymer solutions injected in a five-spot pattern

Richard Martel, Alain Hébert, René Lefebvre, Pierre Gélinas and Uta Gabriel
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 75 (1-2) 1 (2004)

Laboratory Study of Polymer Solutions Used for Mobility Control During In Situ NAPL Recovery

K. E. Martel, R. Martel, R. Lefebvre and P. J. Gélinas
Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 18 (3) 103 (1998)

Flow phenomena in rocks: from continuum models to fractals, percolation, cellular automata, and simulated annealing

Muhammad Sahimi
Reviews of Modern Physics 65 (4) 1393 (1993)

Experimental investigation of capillary pressure effects on immiscible displacement in lensed and layered porous media

R. A. Dawe, M. R. Wheat and M. S. Bidner
Transport in Porous Media 7 (1) 83 (1992)

An Experimental Study of Waterflooding From a Two-Dimensional Layered Sand Model

Gulfaraz Ahmed, Louis M. Castanier and William E. Brigham
SPE Reservoir Engineering 3 (01) 45 (1988)

Two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media: The method of large-scale averaging

Michel Quintard and Stephen Whitaker
Transport in Porous Media 3 (4) 357 (1988)

Transverse Dispersion in Slug-Mode Chemical EOR Processes in Stratified Porous Media

Michael R. Wheat and Richard A. Dawe
SPE Reservoir Engineering 3 (02) 466 (1988)

Slug Size and Mobility Requirements for Chemically Enhanced Oil Recovery Within Heterogeneous Reservoirs

R. J. Wright, M. R. Wheat and R. A. Dawe
SPE Reservoir Engineering 2 (01) 92 (1987)