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Optimization of construction parameters for salt cavern underground energy storage using horizontal multi-stage leaching method under different geological conditions
Zhekang Ding, Tongtao Wang, Tao He, Dongzhou Xie, Youqiang Liao, Jiasong Chen, Jingcui Li and Liuping Chen Journal of Energy Storage 78 110080 (2024)
Stability of the horizontal salt cavern used for different energy storage under varying geological conditions
Tongtao Wang, Zhekang Ding, Tao He, Dongzhou Xie, Youqiang Liao, Jiasong Chen and Kuoyuan Zhu Journal of Energy Storage 84 110817 (2024)
Influence of Overburden Rock Characteristics on Stress Arching and Surface Subsidence Over Salt Caverns
Integrating 1D and 3D geomechanical modeling to ensure safe hydrogen storage in bedded salt caverns: A comprehensive case study in canning salt, Western Australia
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Research of interlayer dip angle effect on stability of salt cavern energy and carbon storages in bedded salt rock