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Strength Analysis of a Two‐Layer PETF‐Concrete Column with Allowance for Contact Interaction between Layers
Andrii Velychkovych, Liubomyr Ropyak, Olga Dubei and Francesco Colangelo Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2021(1) (2021)
Analytical Study of Operational Properties of a Plate Shock Absorber of a Sucker-Rod String
Analytical estimation of inertial properties of the curved rotating section in a drill string
Jaroslav Grydzhuk, Igor Chudyk, Andriy Velychkovych and Andriy Andrusyak Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1(7 (97)) 6 (2019)
Analytical model of oil pipeline overground transitions, laid in mountain areas
Andriy S. Velychkovych, Andriy V. Andrusyak, Tetiana O. Pryhorovska and Liubomyr Y. Ropyak Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 74 65 (2019)
Increase of compliance of shock absorbers with cut shells