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Polymer material innovations for a green hydrogen economy

Satyasankar Jana, Anbanandam Parthiban and Wendy Rusli
Chemical Communications (2025)

Materials selection, design, and regulation of polymer-based hydrogen barrier composite coatings, membranes and films for effective hydrogen storage and transportation: A comprehensive review

Sicheng Yuan, Sheng Zhang, Jintao Wei, Yang Gao, Yanji Zhu and Huaiyuan Wang
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Mathematical modeling for hydrogen blending in natural gas pipelines moving towards industrial decarbonization: Economic feasibility and CO2 reduction analysis

Daniela Fernanda Ruiz Diaz, Jiadong Zhao, John Minh Quang Pham, Christopher Ramirez, Huiting Qin, Adrian Jose Jimenez, Akhil Muthappa Pulianda, Chelsea Choudhary, Vince McDonell and G.P. Li
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Molecular investigation on physical and tensile properties of polyethylene (PE) under high-pressure hydrogen environments

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Contribution to modeling hydrogen permeation and thickness optimization in blow molded plastic liners for on-board compressed hydrogen tanks

Zohir Benrabah, Florin Ilinca, F. Giraldeau, Sylvain Bournival and Anna Bardetti
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Grand canonical Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics investigation of hydrogen solubility and diffusivity in nonmetallic polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene and polyvinylidene fluoride pipes materials

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Morphological investigations on silica and carbon-black filled acrylonitrile butadiene rubber for sealings used in high-pressure H2 applications

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Advancing hydrogen storage: Development and verification of a high-pressure permeation test setup for polymeric barrier materials

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Review of Decompression Damage of the Polymer Liner of the Type IV Hydrogen Storage Tank

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Review of the Hydrogen Permeation Test of the Polymer Liner Material of Type IV On-Board Hydrogen Storage Cylinders

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Influence of hydrogen-methane gas mixtures on the physical and chemical structure of polyethylene pipes of the operating gasdistribution networks of Ukraine

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Hydrogen Permeability of Polyamide 6 Used as Liner Material for Type IV On-Board Hydrogen Storage Cylinders

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Mechanism and Evaluation of Hydrogen Permeation Barriers: A Critical Review

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Influence of gas mixtures of hydrogen with methane on the physical and chemical structure of polyethylene pipes from PE-80

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Supercritical CO2 permeation in polymeric films: Design, characterization, and modeling

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Peer-to-peer electricity-hydrogen energy trading for multi-microgrids based on purification sharing mechanism

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Influence of hydrogen-methane gas mixtures on the physical and chemical structure of polyethylene pipes of the operating gasdistribution networks of Ukraine

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A Review on the Cost Analysis of Hydrogen Gas Storage Tanks for Fuel Cell Vehicles

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Material challenges in green hydrogen ecosystem

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M.V. Iurzhenko, M.O. Kovalchuk, V.Yu. Kondratenko, V.L. Demchenko, A.M. Pylypenko, K.H. Gusakova, H.V. Zhuk, V.S. Verbovskyi, O.V. Hopachenko and I.A. Gotsyk
Energy Technologies & Resource Saving 75 (2) 96 (2023)

High-pressure hydrogen permeability model for crystalline polymers

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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (2) 723 (2023)

On the bulk transport of green hydrogen at sea: Comparison between submarine pipeline and compressed and liquefied transport by ship

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Microplastics in sediments from the southern Gulf of Mexico: Abundance, distribution, composition, and adhered pollutants

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System approach to natural versus manufactured hydrogen: An interdisciplinary perspective on a new primary energy source

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Tubular polythene film balloons for load lifting in the construction, mining and recreation industries

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Molecular dynamics investigations into the hydrogen permeation mechanism of polyethylene pipeline material

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A Review on Applicability, Limitations, and Improvements of Polymeric Materials in High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas Atmospheres

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Research and demonstration on hydrogen compatibility of pipelines: a review of current status and challenges

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The viability of implementing hydrogen in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

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Effects of hydrogen blending on hydraulic and thermal characteristics of natural gas pipeline and pipe network

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Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 76 70 (2021)

Materials aspects associated with the addition of up to 20 mol% hydrogen into an existing natural gas distribution network

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Critical review of models for H2-permeation through polymers with focus on the differential pressure method

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Review of the Hydrogen Permeability of the Liner Material of Type IV On-Board Hydrogen Storage Tank

Ying Su, Hong Lv, Wei Zhou and Cunman Zhang
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Research on hydrogen permeability of polyamide 6 as the liner material for type Ⅳ hydrogen storage tank

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Permeation Damage of Polymer Liner in Oil and Gas Pipelines: A Review

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Non-dimensional assessments to estimate decompression failure in polymers for hydrogen systems

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Modelling and analyzing the impact of hydrogen enriched natural gas on domestic gas boilers in a decarbonization perspective

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Potentialities of hydrogen enriched natural gas for residential heating decarbonization and impact analysis on premixed boilers

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A thermally polarized 129Xe phantom for quality assurance in multi‐center hyperpolarized gas MRI studies

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Determination of key parameters responsible for polymeric liner collapse in hyperbaric type IV hydrogen storage vessels

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Evaluation of the electromechanical behavior of polyvinylidene fluoride used as a component of risers in the offshore oil industry

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Diffusion mechanism of byproducts resulting from the peroxide crosslinking of polyethylene

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Journal of Applied Polymer Science 134 (9) (2017)

Effect of short-term infusion of hydrogen on enteric gas production and rumen environment in dairy cows

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Animal Production Science 56 (3) 466 (2016)