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Iron Solubility Measurements in Aqueous MEA for CO2 Capture

Maxime H. J-J. François, Andreas Grimstvedt and Hanna K. Knuutila
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 64 (4) 2318 (2025)

A review of soil resistivity testing for enhanced corrosion Control: Overcoming limitations through integrated geophysical approaches and alternative methodologies

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Effect of NOX and SOX Contaminants on Corrosion Behaviors of 304L and 316L Stainless Steels in Monoethanolamine Aqueous Amine Solutions

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Process design and energy assessment of an onboard carbon capture system with boilers or heat pumps for additional steam generation

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Corrosion performance of A3 carbon steel in 30wt.% MEA and AMP-MEA blends for post-combustion carbon capture: Effect and mechanism of corrosion inhibitors

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Protectiveness and stability of iron carbonate films on carbon steel in mildly alkaline aqueous alkanolamine CO2 environments

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Big Data Analysis and Technical Review of Regeneration for Carbon Capture Processes

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An overview on the corrosion mechanisms and inhibition techniques for amine-based post-combustion carbon capture process

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Performance analysis of methionine as an environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in the amine based carbon capture process

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Development and testing of a new post-combustion CO2 capture solvent in pilot and demonstration plant

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Optimization of Methods for Purification of Gas Mixtures to Remove Carbon Dioxide (A Review)

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Application of cation-exchange chromatography for quantification of some ethanolamine degradation products in the natural gas sweetening solution

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A performance comparison study of five single and sixteen blended amine absorbents for CO2 capture using ceramic hollow fiber membrane contactors

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Nonaqueous MEA/PEG200 Absorbent with High Efficiency and Low Energy Consumption for CO2 Capture

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Combined theoretical and experimental studies on CO2 capture by amine-activated glycerol

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Characterization of Alkanolamine Blends for Carbon Dioxide Absorption. Corrosion and Regeneration Studies

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Post-combustion CO2 Capture Technology

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Heat-Stable Salts and Methods for Their Removal from Alkanolamine Carbon Dioxide Absorbents (Review)

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Structural improvement of a control valve to prevent corrosion in acid gas treating plant pipeline: An experimental and computational analysis

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Using sodium thiosulphate for carbon steel corrosion protection against monoethanolamine and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol

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Using sodium thiosulphate for carbon steel corrosion protection against monoethanolamine and methyldiethanolamine

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Experimental and correlation study of corrosion rate, absorption rate and CO 2 loading capacity in five blend solutions as new absorbents for CO 2 capture

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Selection of blended absorbents for CO2 capture from flue gas: CO2 solubility, corrosion and absorption rate

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Rheological, Thermodynamic, and Gas Solubility Properties of Phenylacetic Acid‐Based Deep Eutectic Solvents

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Energy Efficient Solvents for CO2 Capture by Gas-Liquid Absorption

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Green Energy and Technology, Energy Efficient Solvents for CO2 Capture by Gas-Liquid Absorption 27 (2017)

Corrosion and degradation in MEA based post-combustion CO2 capture

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International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 46 48 (2016)

A low-energy chilled ammonia process exploiting controlled solid formation for post-combustion CO2capture

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Insights into choline chloride–phenylacetic acid deep eutectic solvent for CO2 absorption

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Degradation and corrosion inhibitors for MEA-based CO2 capture plants

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International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 50 240 (2016)

The effect of CO2-loaded amine solvents on the corrosion of a carbon steel stripper

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Using carbon steel in the stripper and reboiler for post-Combustion CO2 capture with aqueous amine blends

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Corrosion Evaluation of MEA Solutions by SEM-EDS, ICP-MS and XRD

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Diethanolamine impregnated palm shell activated carbon for CO 2 adsorption at elevated temperatures

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Interfacial Properties of Deep Eutectic Solvents Regarding to CO2 Capture

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Density Functional Theory Study of Monoethanolamine Adsorption on Hydroxylated Cr2O3 Surfaces

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Enhanced gravimetric CO2 capacity and viscosity for ionic liquids with cyanopyrrolide anion

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