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A semi-empirical laminar-to-turbulent flame transition model coupled with G equation for early flame kernel development and combustion in spark-ignition engines
Seunghwan Keum, Guangfei Zhu, Ronald Grover, Wei Zeng, Christopher Rutland and Tang-Wei Kuo International Journal of Engine Research 22(2) 479 (2021)
Multi-Plane PIV Measurements in a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine
Li Shen, Christopher Willman, Richard Stone, Thomas Lockyer, Rachel Magnanon and Giuseppe Virelli SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility 3(1) 223 (2020)
Angela Wu, Mohammad K. Alzuabi and Volker Sick 1 (2020)
Quantitative metrics for comparison of in-cylinder velocity fields using particle image velocimetry
Multi-plane time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) flow field measurements in an optical Spark-Ignition Direct-Injection (SIDI) engine for Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) model validations
Comparison of Near-Wall Flow and Heat Transfer of an Internal Combustion Engine Using Particle Image Velocimetry and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Angela Wu, Seunghwan Keum, Mark Greene, David Reuss and Volker Sick Journal of Energy Resources Technology 141(12) (2019)
Large Eddy Simulations with Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) modeling of Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs)
Angela Wu, Seunghwan Keum, Volker Sick and C. Angelberger Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 74 51 (2019)
Devyani Patil, Yue Wang, Long Liang, Karthik Puduppakkam, Ahmed Hussein, Chitralkumar Naik and Ellen Meeks 1 (2018)
David L. Reuss, Ziyang Zhong, Xiaofeng Yang, Tang-Wei Kuo and Volker Sick 1 (2018)
Empirical investigation of spark-ignited flame-initiation cycle-to-cycle variability in a homogeneous charge reciprocating engine
LES‐VOF Simulation and POD Analysis of the Gas‐Jet Wiping Process in Continuous Galvanizing Lines
Werner Eßl, Claudia Pfeiler, Georg Reiss, Werner Ecker, Christian K. Riener and Gerhard Angeli steel research international 89(2) (2018)
Varun Haresh Nichani, Roberto Jaime, Satbir Singh, Xiaofeng Yang and Volker Sick 1 (2018)
A comparative study of intake and exhaust port modeling strategies for scale-resolving engine simulations
Correlation of CCV Between In-Cylinder Swirl Ratio and Polar Velocity Profile in Valve Seat Region Using LES Under Motored Engine Condition
Xiaofeng Yang, Tang-Wei Kuo and C. Angelberger Oil & Gas Sciences and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 72(6) 38 (2017)
Investigation of the Effect of the In-Cylinder Tumble Motion on Cycle-to-Cycle Variations in a Direct Injection Spark Ignition (DISI) Engine Using Large Eddy Simulation (LES)
In-Cylinder Flow Correlations Between Steady Flow Bench and Motored Engine Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Xiaofeng Yang, Tang-Wei Kuo, Orgun Guralp, Ronald O. Grover and Paul Najt Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 139(7) (2017)
Assessment of Advanced SGS Models for LES Analysis of ICE Wall-Bounded Flows - Part I: Basic Test Case
Cristian Catellani, Gian Marco Bianchi, Stefania Falfari, Giulio Cazzoli and Claudio Forte SAE International Journal of Engines 9(1) 657 (2016)
TCC-III Engine Benchmark for Large-Eddy Simulation of IC Engine Flows
P. Schiffmann, S. Gupta, D. Reuss, et al. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 71(1) 3 (2016)
Effect of Valve Opening/Closing Setup on Computational Fluid Dynamics Prediction of Engine Flows
Xiaofeng Yang, Seunghwan Keum and Tang-Wei Kuo Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 138(8) (2016)
Understanding In-Cylinder Flow Variability Using Large-Eddy Simulations
Noah Van Dam and Chris Rutland Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 138(10) 102809 (2016)
Large-eddy simulation of in-cylinder flow in a DISI engine with charge motion control valve: Proper orthogonal decomposition analysis and cyclic variation
Flow-pattern switching in a motored spark ignition engine
Preeti S Abraham, Xiaofeng Yang, Saurabh Gupta, Tang-Wei Kuo, David L Reuss and Volker Sick International Journal of Engine Research 16(3) 323 (2015)