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Machine learning for determination of activity of water and activity coefficients of electrolytes in binary solutions

Guillaume Zante
Artificial Intelligence Chemistry 2 (1) 100069 (2024)

Calculation of water activity in electrolytic solutions using the Electrolattice and Q-Electrolattice equations of state

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A Review of Electrolyte Equations of State with Emphasis on Those Based on Cubic and Cubic-Plus-Association (CPA) Models

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A state-of-the-art review on the liquid properties regarding energy and environmental performance in liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems

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Recent trends in liquid desiccant materials and cooling systems: Application, performance and regeneration characteristics

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Energy recovery modeling of pressure-retarded osmosis systems with membrane modules compatible with high salinity draw streams

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Laboratory investigation of co-precipitation of CaCO3/BaCO3mineral scale solids at oilfield operating conditions: Impact of brine chemistry

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The Debye-Hückel theory and its importance in modeling electrolyte solutions

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A thermodynamic model for strong aqueous electrolytes based on the eSAFT-VR Mie equation of state

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Simultaneous Description of Activity Coefficients and Solubility with eCPA

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Liquid desiccant materials and dehumidifiers – A review

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An electrolyte CPA equation of state for mixed solvent electrolytes

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An empirical equation for the dielectric constant in aqueous and nonaqueous electrolyte mixtures

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Thermodynamic properties of aqueous solutions of single and multiple salts using the Q-electrolattice equation of state

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