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Assessing the role of local versus regional fluid circulation in the pre-salt sag section of Santos Basin (Brazil): Insights from reactive transport modeling
Influence of coupled dissolution-precipitation processes on the pore structure, characteristics, and evolution of tight sandstone: A case study in the upper Paleozoic reservoir of Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China
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Pore-scale simulation of multiphase flow and reactive transport processes involved in geologic carbon sequestration
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Effects of Intra-REV Pore Distribution Modeling in the Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Porous Media
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2D and 3D imaging resolution trade-offs in quantifying pore throats for prediction of permeability
Permeability evolution due to dissolution and precipitation of carbonates using reactive transport modeling in pore networks
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PoreFlow: A complex pore-network model for simulation of reactive transport in variably saturated porous media