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Molecular analysis of nitrogen-containing compounds in vacuum gas oils hydrodenitrogenation by (ESI+/-)-FTICR-MS
Polina Mikhaylova, Luis P. de Oliveira, Isabelle Merdrignac, Alexandra Berlioz-Barbier, Marouan Nemri, Pierre Giusti and Gerhard D. Pirngruber Fuel 323 124302 (2022)
A stochastic reconstruction strategy based on a stratified library of structural descriptors and its application in the molecular reconstruction of naphtha
Novel four-dimensional approach for the structural characterization of neutral nitrogen compounds in vacuum gas oils using UHPLC-IM-QqToF analysis
Julie Guillemant, Alexandra Berlioz-Barbier, Luis P. de Oliveira, Marion Lacoue-Nègre, Jean-François Joly and Ludovic Duponchel Analytica Chimica Acta 1169 338611 (2021)
Kinetic Characteristic of the Reaction Rate Constant in Multicomponent Reaction Systems
A Review of Kinetic Modeling Methodologies for Complex Processes
Luís P. de Oliveira, Damien Hudebine, Denis Guillaume, Jan J. Verstraete and J.F. Joly Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 71(3) 45 (2016)
Development of a General Modelling Methodology for Vacuum Residue Hydroconversion
L. Pereira de Oliveira, J. J. Verstraete and M. KoIb Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 68(6) 1027 (2013)
Molecular Reconstruction of Petroleum Fractions: Application to Vacuum Residues from Different Origins
L. Pereira de Oliveira, A. Trujillo Vazquez, J. J. Verstraete and M. Kolb Energy & Fuels 27(7) 3622 (2013)
Molecule-based kinetic modeling by Monte Carlo methods for heavy petroleum conversion
Complementarity of Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry and high temperature comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography for the characterization of resin fractions from vacuum gas oils